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North and South
North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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Hmmmm no. This felt like a poor Jane Austen copy, only without the humor.

Aimeesue It was written in serial for one of Dickens' magazines. Definitely a Social Problem novel of that era. 6y
tricours @Aimeesue that part of it was a bit interesting, but the romantic part was so unconvincing 😐 6y
Aimeesue @tricours Half the time i think the love arc in Victorian novels is just there because it was expected. Kind of has to be because what else is a woman of that era going to do, not marry?? 😱 6y
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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@Sarah83 thank you so much for the #maylovesclassics parcel that @scripturient delivered faithfully. Morgan's south us one of my favourites and I love the sweets! I've managed to pack the Peru bookmark away in one of my many moving boxes but thank you 😚❤️

Sarah83 You're welcome. Glad it finally arrived 👍 6y
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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1. North and South (BBC)
2. Hook ... such a treasure, I also found the novelization last year, so I plan on reading it.
3. Rom-com movies, lately it's been About Time.
4. Candy...usually Sour Patch Kids or Milkduds

JoScho Hook is awesome! 7y
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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I hated every minute of reading this book. This was sold to me as the gritty Pride and Prejudice and it‘s so so far of the mark. I can‘t even. I mean, she moves to a poor town and then what? Nothing. Nothing feels like it evolves in any way. Where is the magic of Wives and Daughters?Mrs. Thornton was my favorite, because at least there was life in her character.

Clare-Dragonfly I liked this book but I think you were oversold! 7y
JenP I liked it too. Sorry you didn‘t 😢 7y
Notafraidofwords @JenP I totally understand how some people can like it. But I found every sentence tedious. 7y
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Maria514626 The miniseries was fabulous and starred Richard Armitage. ❤️ 7y
xicanti I drifted away from this one because it started a could hundred pages before it should've done. Sounds like even after it got to a potentially more exciting point, it failed to deliver. 7y
Notafraidofwords @xicanti l would get to an exciting part and then it would fizzle away. 7y
ghosthost I didn‘t hate it, but this is one case where the movie is better. Have you seen it? 7y
Notafraidofwords @ghosthost no. I haven‘t but everyone is talking about how good it is. 7y
ghosthost It‘s wonderful. They reworked the issues between workers and owners that the book tried to address in a way that is more palatable for a modern audience. Nicholas was almost a completely different character and I loved him in the movie. The love story is great too. 7y
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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My first Elizabeth Gaskell and I loved it so much! This one has so many similarities to “Pride and Prejudice,” but whereas the latter upholds the status quo, Gaskell questions it, in more ways than one. Full of well-rounded characters, all of whom I loved. Thanks so much to Bonnets at Dawn for making me finally read this classic! I definitely want to read more Gaskell.

North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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I need this on a T-shirt

North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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This has me wondering: With everyone on differently restricted diets, what‘s the cost of that to our society? These days, people seem to argue over what we should be eating almost as much as we argue over politics and religion. It‘s becoming the 3rd “taboo” topic.


North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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Anglophile paradise
✅Victorian literature
✅Homemade biscuits

Natasha.C.Barnes Perfection. 7y
cdreincarnate @Natasha.C.Barnes I know, right? 😁 7y
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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Ahhh, Sundays!📖☕️

North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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Just wanted to share my little Elizabeth Gaskell collection. I've only read North and South (which I absolutely loved), but I hope to read the rest of Gaskell's works in the near future. So many books, so little time.

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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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merelybookish Nice! 7y
Eyelit 👏👏👏 7y
MayJasper ❣👏 7y
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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I discovered the Serial Reader app from one of you Littens - so far so good but now I'm reading 3 books at once. Slippery slope!

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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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I discovered the Serial Reader app from one of you Littens - so far so good but now I'm reading 3 books at once. Slippery slope!

North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Tomalin
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I didn't read it; I watched it. Just. . .Richard Armitage.

That is all.