Did you register for the #MakerSwap yet? This is the LAST WEEKEND to sign-up and it‘s going to be great fun! Visit @LibrarianRyan page for the details & sign-up info. 🎨📷🖌🖍🧶🧵#makersonlitsy #littenswhomake
Did you register for the #MakerSwap yet? This is the LAST WEEKEND to sign-up and it‘s going to be great fun! Visit @LibrarianRyan page for the details & sign-up info. 🎨📷🖌🖍🧶🧵#makersonlitsy #littenswhomake
We read fantasy to find the colors again
"It would be better once they got to Harrenhal, the captives told each other, but Arya was not so certain. She remembered Old Nan's stories of the castle built on fear. Harren the Black had mixed human blood in the mortar, Nan used to say, dropping her voice so the children would need to lean close to hear, but Aegon's dragons had roasted Harren and all his sons within their great walls of stone."
#coloring #fantasy
Another coloring break between reading sprints.
#fantasy #coloringbooks #coloring
You may be able to see more of the metallic on Sansa at an angle.
I love the tradition illustration feel of the images. I used metallic felt tip markers to make the brocade shimmer. Not sure if you can tell from this pic.
Coloring book from one of my favorite series?! Yes please 😍🖍 Finally finished Highgarden this morning! Anyone else enjoy adult coloring books?!
Anybody else playing with adult coloring books? The GoT book is excellent -- really a lot of detail & interesting scenes. (Excuse my shoddy attempt at Harrenhall!)
I think we're gonna need more red markers....