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Rusty Puppy
Rusty Puppy | Joe R. Lansdale
6 posts | 4 read | 2 to read
Hap and Leonard investigate a racially motivated murder that threatens to tear apart their East Texas town. While Hap, a former 60s activist and self-proclaimed white trash rebel, is recovering from a life-threatening stab wound, Louise Elton comes into Hap and Leonard's PI office to tell him that the police have killed her son, Jamar. Months earlier, a bully cop pulled over and sexually harassed Jamar's sister, Charm. The officer followed Charm over the course of the next couple of months, leading Jamar to videotape and take notes on the cop and his partner. The next thing Louise hears, Jamar got in a fight and is killed in the projects by local hoods. It doesn't add up: he was a straight A student, destined for better things, until he began to ask too many questions about the racist police force. Leonard, a tough black gay Vietnam vet and Republican, joins Hap in the investigation, and they stumble upon the racial divides that have shaped their Eastern Texas town. But if anyone can navigate these pitfalls and bring the killers to justice, it's Hap and Leonard. Filled with Lansdale's trademark whip-smart dialogue, colorful characters, and relentless pacing, Rusty Puppy is Joe Lansdale at his page-turning best.
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Rusty Puppy | Joe R. Lansdale
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Rusty Puppy | Joe R. Lansdale
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@mrozzz suggested we share puppy pics to get through the week, and I love showing off my Arthur! He has a new best friend, the black and white farm kitten Tabitha. She follows him around everywhere! #dogsoflitsy

umbrellagirl Your Arthur looks like a wee lion 💙 7y
mrozzz SUCH FLOOF. WOW 😮😄💗🐶 7y
parttimedomestic @mrozzz the floof is real! 😂 7y
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Rusty Puppy | Joe R. Lansdale
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Update on the puppy that found us last week:
We are keeping him! 🎉
He‘s going to the vet on Monday to get shots and microchipped and groomed, so I‘m going to need to name him by then!
He is so sweet, and very curious. He has already gotten protective over our property and even chased away the neighbor goats. (Our neighbors aren‘t great about keeping their animals on their own land 🙄)
Any suggestions on names, possibly literary redheads?

umbrellagirl He looks like a little lion. Maybe Leo? 7y
DebinHawaii Look how gorgeous he looks now and happy and proud he has found his forever family. 🐶❤️Congratulations! 🎉 7y
tournevis Hello big chow chow you!!! 7y
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hermyknee I‘m so happy for all of you! What a sweet little guy. ❤️ 7y
Kaye I know you said he‘s a guy but redheads. Lucy ? Howdy(Doodie). Opey ( Andy‘s boy). Will ( Lost in Space). My favorite tv show as a kid. 7y
Booksnchill Elmo🤣 7y
ReadingVampire He's so cute! When I was a kid, we always had chow chows we always named the boys bear! Lol, why don't you name him something from the movie brother bear? I think the little bear was named Koda. Just a thought. 🧐 congratulations on your new family member! (edited) 7y
AmyG The red head that came to mind was Ron Weasley. Maybe...Weasley! How wonderful you are keeping him. He is beautiful. 7y
parttimedomestic @umbrellagirl In Japanese the dog breed translates to “puffy lion dog” 😂 7y
parttimedomestic @DebinHawaii He is so happy, his tail wag made a blur in the photo! ☺️ 7y
parttimedomestic @hermyknee It‘s very exciting! ❤️ 7y
parttimedomestic @Booksnchill ha, he is very fluffy! 7y
parttimedomestic @AmyG If we‘re going with a Weasley, I‘m kind of leaning towards Arthur! 7y
AmyG Let us know what you name him. I love Arthur! 7y
hermyknee I was going to suggest Arthur!! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
hermyknee Then you can call him Artie for short ❤️ 7y
BookBabe Yay! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 So glad you‘re keeping him. 🦁 Meanwhile, your neighbors have goats?? 🐐 Can you post pics of what it looks like where you live? I‘ve never had goats for neighbors. That‘s pretty awesome! 😃 7y
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Rusty Puppy | Joe R. Lansdale
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A late non bookish #friyayintro ! I am NOT a dog person, I don‘t know a whole lot about them and generally prefer cats. But, this sweet guy showed up out of nowhere this afternoon. His fur is terribly matted and of course there is no collar. We‘ve already put out an email to the neighborhood, no luck finding his people yet. Is it bad that I hope we can keep him?

mrozzz That would be great if you can adopt him! 7y
DebinHawaii What a sweet looking 🐶. I hope you can keep him. 7y
Tamra Oh poor baby! So glad he found a friendly place to rest. 🤞🏾 7y
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parttimedomestic @mrozzz @DebinHawaii 🤞🏻 If I can convince my husband and no one claims him! 7y
parttimedomestic @Tamra It looks like he has been traveling on his own for a while! 💔 hopefully he sticks around. 7y
coffeenebula ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Tamra @parttimedomestic feed him good & he‘ll stay! 7y
Betty Been 6 days now --- update please 7y
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Rusty Puppy | Joe R. Lansdale
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Ah. There's that "they" the book critic Anders dies loving on in Tobias Wolff's "Bullet in the Brain." Still sounds pretty great. There's worse things to hear, with the light fading.

Notafraidofwords Bullet in the Brain- Jesus what a story that is. 8y
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Rusty Puppy | Joe R. Lansdale

No one writes best friend banter as sharp and realistic as Lansdale and that‘s the foundation that makes this series work. Rusty Puppy is solidly a Hap and Leonard book, with many of the growing number of series characters ducking out of the spotlight and letting the boys do their thing. It‘s great to see such a tight tale at a point where too many series get bloated down with peripherals. Rusty Puppy is another winner in a consistently fun series