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Mr. Malcolm's List
Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
A farce of historic proportions.
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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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I suggested this book on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Monday. It goes with this year‘s theme of Books with Movie‘s. I still haven‘t watched the movie, but book didn‘t disappoint. https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-mr-malcolm-s-list

Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Loved it! I read this book because I heard there was a movie coming and it seemed like the type of romance that i love. It did not disappoint. I read it within a few days and it was predictable but delightfully so. I really enjoyed the chemistry and the light humour concerning fountains and bodies of water. I enjoyed the supporting characters too. I‘d recommend for any Jane Austen fan. It was very satisfying. I‘m looking forward to the movie.

bookandbedandtea I enjoyed this and hadn't heard they were making a movie. Very cool! 12mo
SarahBookInterrupted @bookandbedandtea Yes, it came out this July. I‘ve just watch the preview so far. But looks like it will be good. 12mo
bookandbedandtea @SarahBookInterrupted Oh it's BEEN out! I'll look for it. 😊 12mo
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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Just watched this on the plane. Had never heard of it but it should appeal to both #bridgerton and #pemberlittens alike.


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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Flew to Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, for a vacation with my coworker!

I watched Mr. Malcolm‘s List on the flight ✈️

I highly recommend for any Jane Austen lover. It had all the classic points you‘d expect from a Regency romance! ❤️

CaramelLunacy I recently watched this on a flight as well and found it thoroughly charming 2y
squirrelbrain Have a fab time! Thanks for your lovely card too! 2y
CrowCAH @CaramelLunacy totally agree! ☺️👍🏻 2y
CrowCAH @squirrelbrain thanks, will do! And you‘re very welcome! I love the stickers ❤️ 2y
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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Ah Mr. Malcom… I genuinely enjoyed this light-hearted story, predictable as it was, which made it the perfect transition book! I gave it 4/5 stars! Now I‘m off to watch the movie!

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I enjoyed this for the most part, but the ending felt a little rushed. I liked the majority of the characters and their interactions with each other, though there was a “pair the spares” moment at the end that didn‘t really make sense.

Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Picked this book up to try to read before seeing the film. Alas, the film is no longer in theaters. Cute story and lots of funny parts. #british

Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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I needed something light, humorous & uncomplicated after two sad books & when I scrolled through my Kindle TBR, this popped up. It fit the bill perfectly being a very quick read & a fun Regency rom-com romp with likable characters & Bridgerton vibes. It made me smile & I‘m now going to have to see the film.

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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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If you're like me and still on your coffee for the morning and need something to watch and/or have been interested in Mr. Malcolm's List, I chat about the book/movie briefly for youtube. In potential bookworm blasphemy, I think you can skip the book altogether before seeing the movie. https://youtu.be/o3wSVf-VjWQ

Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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I have been wanting to read more books similar to Bridgerton and really don‘t know where to start but i had heard this was a really good one and I agree! I really enjoyed it but I found myself disliking some of the characters. Overall I really liked it and I can‘t wait to watch the movie!

Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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I saw the movie trailer today and had to get this read before I go see it! If you're a fan of Bridgerton, read this book.

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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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This is a very basic, goofy historical romance—it‘s predictable and not steamy in the least, but it‘s funny, lighthearted and was a great distraction from the news last night that makes me want to BURN SOMETHING DOWN.

I will absolutely watch the movie this summer. Have you seen the cast?! 😍



Also my #DoubleSpin (already). 🙌🏼

KristiAhlers I saw the trailer last night when my hubby and I went to see Downton Abbey‘s new movie. It look like it would be a cute not take yourself too seriously kinda movie. 2y
sprainedbrain @KristiAhlers it does look fun, which is keeping with the book. I‘m excited! 2y
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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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After all, Selina was matching him to a set of criteria, although not as overtly. She, too, had qualifications she desired her future husband to meet. That was not arrogant; it was practical.
And so far Mr. Malcolm had exceeded all of Selina‘s requirements but one; she required humility in a husband.

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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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I know I‘m pretty new to historical romance but this book is basic af. The two leads are really hot and instantly attracted to each other. The action is rote and predictable and it doesn‘t feel like there‘s any real stakes. And there‘s really no historical grounding—often it feels like dialogue and reactions and social mores are anachronistic. The saving grace was that it‘s a quick read. Meh.

Read for August Bookland Challenge: Fiction—Backlist

Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Getting my Austen fix with my current read.

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 #litsywelcomewagon 4y
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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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This was adorably absurd. Sure, it was predictable but it was such a feel good read (and I need those these days) that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Having seen this was going to be a movie and all over Instagram adds I decided to pick it up. I‘m so glad I did! It‘s hilarious! It‘s light and fluffy with some good scheming and judgement built in to make it more interesting. I usually like my romances more open door but I was so delighted by the characters and the laughs the fact there was never more than unexplained kisses didn‘t even register. If you want a mushy romance this is it, 5 stars!

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Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Today‘s #JulyARC will be released on 7/28.

AutumnRLS Tell us more! Love the cover. I'm intrigued. 4y
BookNAround @AutumnRLS I haven‘t read the ARCs I‘ve been posting although I think this one is up next for me. 4y
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