This books a very quick read, I think it really got to its point of why Tish is needing someone to talk to and how she just needs someone or even something. Now i didn't really understand it to great but it was still an amazing read.
This books a very quick read, I think it really got to its point of why Tish is needing someone to talk to and how she just needs someone or even something. Now i didn't really understand it to great but it was still an amazing read.
This book is one of my favorites and I'm not a reader, I would Recommend it to someone who just wants a quick and easy book to read but the content and plot is realistic.
I love this book. I felt so many different emotions reading it. I definitely recommend this book!
I love this book so far! There are so many moments where I just want her to say something. The characters are extremely interesting.
This is a series‘s of books. It‘s about secret diaries kids hide from teachers. Its a dramatic emotional read, teenagers hiding secrets so they don‘t get hurt bcuz they are scared. I think the author was trying to say sometimes secrets aren‘t always a good thing, sometimes its not safe to keep secrets. this is an inspiring book and relates to problems that happen in real life. i would recommend it to anyone who is interested in dramatic reads.
Tish and Matt Bonner, have a tough life at home. Even though their mom is the head of the home, when their abusive father is not at home, it is actually Tish who makes sure that she and Matt have what they need. Tish is the only person providing a stable life for Matt. He recognizes this, and he looks to his sister for security. But who is there to help Tish? Mrs. Dunphrey provides Tish with an outlet, writing. Will writing be her saving grace?
March 24 entry...students are cruel...if someone smells bad, there is a better way to relay the message, especially if the person is supposed to be a friend.
I am so mad with Tish‘s mom. She left her her children with no supervision to find her husband has run off for the zillionth time. Now, Tish is trying to manage taking care of her brother, Matt and the household responsibilities.
In the December 28 journal entry, I have had enough of Tish‘s dad. Someone need to push him into something, so he can come to his senses.
I told Sandy I wanted to go home, and she got mad and said I was jealous because Randy liked her, not me. I told her that was crazy—Randy‘s not even that cute. Why do girls always resort to the jealous piece, especially when the guy is not that cute?
Tish talks about Children‘s Palace. Does anyone remember that toy store?
I guess Matt gets sick of eating Burger Boy burgers because I bring them home all the time. This reminds me of college. I ate chicken for four years, seven days a week, three times a day in every way that chicken could be cooked. To this day, I will NOT eat chicken unless I‘m really hungry.
I love it when teachers are really concerned about their students. Mrs. Dunphrey gives us a good name.
Now you know that if you rather clean a bathroom instead of going on a date with a person, then that person must not really be attractive to you....ewww a bathroom though?
Another novel where students are calling teachers names...Mrs. Ratchethead...smh...😐...lol...😂
I thought it was pretty good. It‘s told entirely by journal entries from Tish to her teacher for an assignment. Personally I found this writing style well done.
A short book I borrowed today before work. Will probably be done by tonight
This RF book was about a girl name Tish who was assigned to write about her life in a journal, by a teacher. Tish tries to hide her broken household secrets throughout the book with a spectacular culmination. More resources can be found at: http://haddixbooks.com/ . #UCFLAE3414sp17
It's a quick read, but totally worth your time! With every entry I was growing more and more worried about Tish and Matt. It was very real and very relatable. As an educator myself, I know some of the backgrounds our kids come from and wonder how they function. But the sad thing is, you don't always know what is going on outside the classroom... this book was a great reminder of that.