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Miss Hargreaves
Miss Hargreaves: A Novel | Frank Baker
5 posts | 4 read | 11 to read
When, on the spur of a moment, Norman Huntley and his friend Henry invent an eighty-three year-old woman called Miss Hargreaves, they are inspired to post a letter to their new fictional friend. It is only meant to be a silly, harmless game - until Miss Hargreaves arrives on their doorstep, complete with her cockatoo, her harp and - last but not least - her bath. She is, to Norman's utter disbelief, exactly as he had imagined her: enchanting, eccentric and endlessly astounding. He hadn't imagined, however, how much havoc an imaginary octogenarian could wreak in his sleepy Buckinghamshire home town, Cornford. Norman has some explaining to do, but how will he begin to explain to his friends, family and girlfriend where Miss Hargreaves came from when he hasn't the faintest clue himself? Will his once-ordinary, once-peaceful life ever be the same again? And, what's more, does he want it to? Miss Hargreaves is part of The Bloomsbury Group, a new library of books from the early twentieth-century chosen by readers for readers.
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“Again I called. ‘Miss Hargreaves-Miss Hargreaves-‘ “

This was a pure pleasure to read. I felt thrust into a whirlwind of dizzying action following Norman‘s experiences with a creation from his imagination, Miss Hargreaves. His fibs have turned into a reality and now he‘s got to control his creation, before she controls him? It‘s comedic gold and yet, I read it with suspense in having to know how it ends! I hope to read more Frank Baker in 2023.

quietjenn This is high on my list of books I want to get to this year! 2y
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn It was really good! I laughed out loud many times. The pace is fast too. A few times I felt as if my own head was swirling like Norman‘s seems to when Miss Hargreaves bursts around and is utterly outrageous. 2y
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Tamra I know I liked this one, but all the details escape me, sadly! 🤪 2y
Jess_Read_This @Tamra I‘m like that too! One detail that I won‘t forget because I snorted out loud in laughter was the scene in the Cathedral. She shows up while he‘s practicing and half takes over the organ. She‘s telling him to play the hymn slower or how else can her soul hark? 😂 2y
Tamra @Jess_Read_This 😂 good one 2y
LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves. 👏 2y
quietjenn @Jess_Read_This it sounds like great fun. 2y
batsy Great review! @LeahBergen Me too 🙌🏾 2y
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Imagine unexpectedly manifesting an eccentric old lady from your imagination that you are now tethered to in real life. That‘s what happens when Norman doesn‘t heed his father‘s caution about acting on the “Spur of the Moment.” What does a creator do about his character then?

Norman tells readers this isn‘t a funny book, but really it has some comical moments. Norman is a bit annoying, as in waffling dweeb, but that‘s all part of the story.

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 3y
shawnmooney Great review! I‘ve had my eye on this one for a while. I don‘t know if you remember me from years gone by on Litsy but I have come back as of yesterday. Great to see you‘re still posting here! 😁 😁 (edited) 3y
Tamra @shawnmooney Hi Shawn, nice to see you again! 👋🏾 3y
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And why not??? 🤔

LeahBergen I do. 😆 3y
GingerAntics I do. 3y
DivineDiana Yes! Where‘s the supporting data? 3y
rwmg I have been known to 3y
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Hoping this is the light hearted soul satisfying cleanse I crave.🤞🏾

Ruthiella I‘ll be interested to hear what you make of this one! 😀 3y
LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves. 👍 3y
Cathythoughts What a cute picture 💕 3y
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Tamra @Cathythoughts 🦉Her name is Nancy Whoooo. 🙃 3y
Tamra @LeahBergen it‘s been TBR a long time for me! (edited) 3y
Tamra @Ruthiella hoping it‘s entertaining! 🤞🏾 3y
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