"God gives us all youth, and the takes it away again. What have you gained to offset that loss? Patience? Perhaps a little wisdom? Then be patient, and perhaps you'll also be wise." ??
"God gives us all youth, and the takes it away again. What have you gained to offset that loss? Patience? Perhaps a little wisdom? Then be patient, and perhaps you'll also be wise." ??
This was amazing. I wouldn‘t say it‘s better than the original series, but it‘s definitely just as good! I thought the next book was already out so I read through this quickly, (and finished it in the bath!) However I have to (im)patiently wait until May 7th for book 2 in The Last King of Osten Ard series!
Oh the high hopes I had for this, that were not quite met. Maybe I'd be less of a harsh judge of this one if I wasn't such a huge fan of all Tad's other books...once you achieve greatness, greatness is expected every time. The story is solid and the world building great as always, but it was just very slow...I felt like things didn't get going until the book was 2/3 of the way over (and it's a BIG book!)
#DeckTheShelves #BestSequelOfTheYear
When Tad announced he was doing a sequel trilogy for Memory Sorrow and Thorn I was ecstatic! I couldn't believe that 24 years after the original trilogy finished I was going to be able to revisit Osten Ard.
And holy crap was it ever good. Not just the best sequel for me of 2017 - also the best book. 🙌❤️🙌
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
These are my 4 largest books of 2017. #chunkster
All 4 of them were an easy 5 ⭐'s too. 3,182 pages combined. Not to shabby if I say so myself. 🤓
Witchwood Crown is my favorite read of the year followed up (very closely) by Oathbringer. Legion of Flame and Blood upon the Sand take 3rd and 4th respectively.
Great year for a #fantasy nut! 🤸♂️
So this book was totally awesome. I loved how it embraced the old characters and built upon the Norn storyline. And I didn't expect to be wowed, but I totally was. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 The only problem is that Tad' s books are way too short. Luckily it's a trilogy!
I've had plenty of books fly off the shelves at me, but this one actually followed me around the bookstore. I don't read a lot of fantasy, but I will when I can get into the world and the premise, and if the writing is good. This one sounds promising. I hope so, because it spent some time chasing me down to bring it home 😊📚. #nosuchthingastoomanybooks.
Out and about this fine Friday evening for a signing of Tad Williams' return to the world of Osten Ard, The Witchwood Crown.
Is not easy to find a good epic fantasy nowadays. This book by Tad Williams has the right level of complexity, a well structured world and an outstanding use of adjectives. It is one of the few that might stand a change against Jordan's and Martin's fantasy series. #epicfantasy
Holy poop, there's a sequel to Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn and I thought it was *just* another Tad Williams novel 🤦🏻♀️ Hooray but I am bad at waiting... Guess I'll just reread the first trilogy then 😉 #badfangirl #bookishproblems