Easy listen. Requires no attention. Pleasant.
Easy listen. Requires no attention. Pleasant.
Long but got my heart pumping at the end even though it gave me plenty of warnings that it was leading up to something. Like a lot of series this one makes subcharacters out of main characters from the first book. Still, the show is wildly different from the books.
I love series where you can watch a group of people grow and evolve. Sierra and Conrad were not different. They path was filled with ups and downs. But they both grabbed my heart. Sierra demons were hard to read at times but Conrads faith and support of her is what the greatest love stories are built on.
Some holds have come in from the library...
This one started a little slow to me but definitely picked up. Predicable? Yes. Enjoyable anyway? Very much so!
Finished book 2 of Sullivan's Crossing this morning. Really enjoyed it. A bit darker tone to this one though but a good ending. And I included a picture of the lilacs I picked this weekend. I love lilacs. 🌸🌼😁
Just had three Dove chocolates. My wrappers all said the same thing. Think it's a sign? #readthelastpagefirst
Her last one was kinda boring, but I'm giving this series one more chance. Plus, always happy to borrow from the library and support their circulation numbers! #libraryread #fiction #planeread
I've been through a health crisis that's really affected my wanting to read. Any Day Now was the first book in a long time that had me wanting to pick up my kindle and read instead of the other distractions that I've entertained myself with in the last year