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True Blood
True Blood: Investigating Vampires and Southern Gothic | Brigid Cherry
2 posts | 4 read
As seen in HBO’s True Blood, vampires have never been more edgy. Since its launch in 2008, Alan Ball’s adaptation of The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris has exploited the creative freedoms of the HBO brand and captured a cult audience with its passionate, blood-drenched visuals and stories. From viral webisodes depicting vampires announcing themselves on TV, to the steamy title sequence, and the show’s uninhibited use of language, sex, and gore, True Blood has quickly gained status as cult TV with bite. True Blood posed the question of what would happen if vampires "came out of the coffin" and this book considers the representations of sexuality, race, and class in a series that engages directly with prejudice and civil rights. It also considers True Blood’s generic roots in television horror, paranormal romance, and Southern Gothic, the wider contexts of fairy tales and religion, the marketing of the series and the activities of its fans. Written for fans and scholars, the book explores the hidden depths of True Blood’s vampire bars, small town communities, and haunted bayous.
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Rewatching True Blood lately. I almost forgot how addictive this show was. 🩸

AkashaVampie I thought about rewatching it too. We just recently got HBO Max. So maybe. But it is addicting to watch. 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Ooooohhhh, sounds good. I would live to do this too!! I watched it about maybe 9 years ago and now we have a little Sukie who's 7 1/2 years old. It's not spelled the same I know but it was definately inspired by this series, as well as the poem, Polly put the kettle on, Sukie take it off again 😉. Enjoy!!! 4y
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The hubs and I bought this recently because it‘s been a few years since we watched it and felt like binging it again. We‘re still on season one and I‘d forgotten just how addictive it is! 🙈

gibblr I watched maybe one season years and years ago. Now I‘m on the 5th book in the series and plan to binge watch after I read. (I know they differ a lot.) 4y
Zelma Funny, I snagged season one at the library on Friday. Caught a few episodes years ago and saw it could be very addictive. Excited to dive in. 4y
LittlePixels I need to pick this up again! I watched season 1 years ago and really loved it. I just finished Outlander and am in need of a new series, so this is great timing. 4y
Chelsea.Poole Seriously love that series! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Russell Edgington was my favorite character. He was just so utterly ridiculous. 4y
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