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The Sense of Humour
The Sense of Humour | Stephen Potter
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The Sense of Humour | Stephen Potter
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I need more laughs in my life. Because life is hard, news is sad, climate change is real and I‘m way too serious. Please share some books that made you laugh out loud- and feel free to repost to get us more titles! This post inspired by this episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hidden-brain/id1028908750?i=1000517806994

ravenlee Good Omens and A Walk in the Woods 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Also an audiobook recommendation if you can : 3y
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Scochrane26 I agree with @ravenlee on her choices. Also, the Stephanie Plum series (most of it). And the tagged is about Jesus & his childhood friend, Biff. (edited) 3y
Jessieleah Anything by Marian Keyes makes me laugh out loud. There are some more difficult themes in a few of them but these are always handled with a charm and wit that make her unique and one of my favorite authors! 3y
Ruthiella When the world gets me down, I often go to YouTube and watch a few cat videos to make me laugh. Not exactly what you are looking for, but it‘s a little quicker than reading a novel. 😂 For books, Barbara Pym‘s sly humor can make me laugh out loud. 3y
GingerAntics 😂🤣😂 3y
LeahBergen This cartoon! 😆 3y
Avanders I agree w much of the above 👍🏽 Also, old, but Bossypants was one of my favorite funny reads. And you may have already read it (and I know I‘ve talked about it before), but I really loved Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. It‘s good feels. I tend to turn to cozies or HP when I‘m feeling sad. Hang in there! 💖💖 (also, v funny cartoon 😜) (edited) 3y
ReadWhite-n-Blue David Sedaris will rescue a laugh for you. 3y
Veebee Novels by PG Wodehouse and travelogues by Bill Bryson are really funny. 3y
Bookzombie You may have read this series already. If not, they made me laugh. The Spellmans are a dysfunctional family, but also a bunch of screwballs. 3y
Chrissyreadit @ravenlee @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Scochrane26 @BookwormAHN @Jessieleigh29 @Ruthiella @Avanders @ReadWhite-n-Blue @Bookzombie @jenniferw88 @Veebee you all rock! I‘ve read some of these and agree- but I am going to use this list for my libro.fm choices- so I can laugh more and not tune in to the news as much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you all so much! Litsy really is the best community ❤️🧡🌞😘 3y
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The Sense of Humour | Stephen Potter
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My Sister-in-law sent me this and I just had to share!!


BookwormAHN 👏🏻😸👏🏻😸 5y
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The Sense of Humour | Stephen Potter
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I‘m sure we‘ve all seen this one before, but there‘s no shame in dusting off an old goodie for some Saturday #LitsyHumor 🙂

Clwojick 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
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The Sense of Humour | Stephen Potter
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This sounds interesting. It was my great aunt's.