A Rose for Emily was really uhhhh quite crazy and I actually really enjoyed it to be honest let's go washed out southern belles am I right
A Rose for Emily was really uhhhh quite crazy and I actually really enjoyed it to be honest let's go washed out southern belles am I right
A Rose for Emily has come up in two recent "undertakings:" the S*Town Podcast and Perfect Little World. Sounds like this short story is one I should read sooner rather than later. #theuniverseistryingtotellmesomething #colormeintrigued
#junebookbugs Day 4 I instantly thought of this story. It has stuck with me since college. #allthesingleladies
Not book-related and yet completely literary. I binged-listened to it this weekend and I regret nothing. Beautiful storytelling 💔 Review: http://www.newyorker.com/culture/sarah-larson/s-town-investigates-the-human-myst...
Don't know if you've been swept up in the latest (gripping, but suuuuuper problematic) podcast from Serial and This American Life, but one thing I really enjoy about it is the theme song is based on the only William Faulkner story I actually like.
Faulkner House Books-New Orleans. William Faulkner rented rooms on the ground floor in 1925, the same space that houses the bookstore today. I haven't read any Faulkner and heard the short stories are a great place to start. #tbr