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Boomsday | Buckley
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BOOMSDAY'S heroine is Cassandra Devine, a charismatic 29-year-old blogger who incites massive political turmoil when, outraged over mounting Social Security debt, she politely suggests that Baby Boomers be given government incentives to kill themselves by age 75. Her modest proposal catches fire with millions of her outraged peers ("Generation Whatever") and an ambitious Senator seeking to gain the youth vote in his presidential campaign. With the help of Washington's greatest spin doctor, the blogger and the politician try to ride the issue of euthanasia for Boomers (they call it "Transitioning") all the way to the White House, over the forceful objections of the Religious Right and, of course, Baby Boomers, who are deeply offended by demonstrations on the golf courses of their retirement resorts.
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Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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A brilliant and hilarious political satire about a millennial who proposes that Baby Boomers be given government incentives to commit suicide at the age of seventy-five in order to save Social Security for future generations.

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Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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A brilliant Millennial whose father squandered her college money finds herself among the Washington elite when she proposes that Boomers voluntarily commit suicide to reduce debt on the younger population. This is a hilarious, snarky political satire (a pro-life group is acronymed SPERM) read with perfect aplomb by Janeane Garofalo, who is simply perfect. I snorted my way through it.

vivastory This has been on my TBR forever. Wasn't aware that Garofolo did the audio. Will definitely be going that route. 5y
vivastory *Garofalo 5y
Hooked_on_books @vivastory I think you‘ll really like it. And I‘ve decided Garofalo and Bahni Turpin should read all audiobooks. I would be a very happy person. 5y
Megabooks Oh. I really thought this was going to be about the last Boomsday in Knoxville, Tennessee. 😂😂 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomsday 5y
Megabooks It does sound really good though. Stacking! 5y
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Boomsday | Buckley
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I had an amazing time at BookCon...Here‘s my book haul...

Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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Loved this every bit as much as when I first read it in 2007! Buckley is one of my favorite satirists.

Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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Reading this with @NataliePatalie when she gets her copy. Anyone read it yet?

JoyBlue Yes! I read it in July 2007. I like his work, generally. 6y
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Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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• Has anyone read any books by Christopher Buckley? I started this one on vacation and am really liking it so far. I actually “stole” it from my boo. I‘m a cover lover; it‘s badass and eye-catching. It‘s political satire; most of his books are in this genre. Let me know if you have read this one or any of his other ones please! •

#bookselfie #coffee #tattoo #freshink #readers #reading #lastnight

bookishbitch Your tattoo is fabulous. 6y
bibliobliss @bookishbitch Thank you 😊 I love it 6y
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Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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I'm reading this with @NataliePatalie this summer while I'm away on an extended trip. Anybody read it already? Is it good?

NataliePatalie It better be good, it's been on my shelf for years LOL. 6y
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Boomsday | Buckley

Typical Buckley and I mean that in a good way: excellent satirical view on politics and their workings in the hallways. It‘s a light but riveting read, and that‘s what I look for in a Buckley.

Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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@Booksandcooks I love all kinds of books, but physical books are my favorite! Congratulations on 6666! #6666giveaway

LauraBrook What a lovely home! 7y
Megabooks Thanks and beautiful house! 7y
moranadatter Your house is lovely! 7y
Laura317 @LauraBrook @Booksandcooks @moranadatter Thanks! This is my favorite room in our house. 7y
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Boomsday | Buckley

Enjoyed this book. Terrifying concept but well written and read with a slight tone of disbelief. Some parts were hilarious, others made me cringe in horror and embarrassment.

Boomsday | Christopher Buckley
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Mama's library book sale stack.

[DELETED] 2232195534 People Of The Book was very good! 8y
shawnmooney Alice Munro! Alice Munro! Alice Munro! :) 8y
shawnmooney And Janette Turner Hospital is the writer who's been on my TBR the longest, probably: nearly 30 years. My cousin recommended her The Last Magician to me all that time ago and I still haven't gotten to it! 8y
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razmanda @shawnmooney she's a professor at the university where I work! I love Orpheus Lost, borrowed it from a friend at least five years ago. Now that I have my own copy, I can return it, LOL! (I forgot it wasn't mine until recently discovering the inscription from an old beau of hers.) 8y
Laalaleighh Omg. Boomsday! I love Buckley. 8y
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