Anton Palook is shot on stage while dancing the role of Petrushka in the ballet of the same name. Inspector Quill is assigned to investigate the murder.
Not as funny as I remember from reading it as a teenager but still very enjoyable.
Anton Palook is shot on stage while dancing the role of Petrushka in the ballet of the same name. Inspector Quill is assigned to investigate the murder.
Not as funny as I remember from reading it as a teenager but still very enjoyable.
Since it is probable that any book flying a bullet in its title is going to produce a corpse sooner or later - here it is.
Equally accurate title: Batty in the Ballet
British detective investigates a murder in a Russian Ballet Troupe. Full of satiric stereotypes and histrionics - overall an exhausting, completely ridiculous, entertaining read.
A light and funny murder story...set in a Russian Ballet troupe....London 1930‘s..⭐️⭐️⭐️
Fascinatingly the original type set was destroyed “by enemy action” ..I assume during WWII in 1941. A fun quick read😊
Add this book to my #TBR stack. #Mystery #Humor #British #GreenvilleSC #JoesPlace
This book was originally published in 1937. My Penguin reprint dates from 1949.
#uncannyoctober day 7: published in the 1930s