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Azul El Sombrero, Verde El Sombrero (Blue Hat, Green Hat)
Azul El Sombrero, Verde El Sombrero (Blue Hat, Green Hat) | Sandra Boynton
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Blue Hat, Green Hat | Sandra Boynton
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My mom sent this to me 🥰. Happy #nationalbookloversday to all of you!

Also brings back memories of reading most of Boynton‘s board books to my kids back in the day, she was a big favorite ❤️❤️❤️

KVanRead She was a big favorite here too. I miss those days😊 (edited) 4y
CarolynM A big favourite with me and my kids too🙂 4y
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Blue Hat, Green Hat | Sandra Boynton
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#cosplay? 😂

Blue Hat, Green Hat | Sandra Boynton
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#nonbookrelated post - I bought a hat.

My daughter needed to borrow my hand knit hat this morning (swimming lessons today, so I gave her my hat). But it wad so freaking cold that I needed something to protect my brain. So, keeping my chat with @Cathythoughts in mind, I bought a hat.

PS: you can see it's cold, my nose is all red.

scripturient Lovely! @Heideschrampf has one quite similar to yours. 😊 7y
Chelleo That hat is super cute!!! 7y
AmyG It‘s lovely! 7y
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Cinfhen Cute!!!! 7y
LeahBergen Awesome! 7y
ferskner I love it! 7y
Cathythoughts I love it. It‘s a fab hat & nice style 🎉suits you 👍💫💫💫& will keep in the body heat! 90 % ! (edited) 7y
tricours Very cool hat! 7y
Tamra So adorable! 7y
rubyslippersreads Cute chapeau! 7y
rockpools Lovely! 7y
Dragon Very cute green 🎩 7y
Caroline2 Love it!! 😍 7y
Sarah83 Cute hat 😎 7y
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One of our favorite books in English and Spanish! The 4 year old takes Spanish lessons every week at his Montessori school, these books fit right in! And ¡ÑAM! ¡PUAJ! y Mantita

Blue Hat, Green Hat | Sandra Boynton
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Suddenly my little guy is into this book again☺️ I now realize how quickly this time really does go by, as my older boys are in their room doing English & Math hmwrk. #bedtimestories 💙💙💙💙

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Blue Hat, Green Hat | Sandra Boynton
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Work of genius - Boynton is always a good bet for my three year old and this is no exception. The basic story is that the turkey puts his clothes on wrong.
We have the ebook and board book version and he laughs at both. The digital book was part of an app bundle (well worth the money) and the images move. The board book isn't interactive but mummy/ daddy storytelling makes it just as fun.