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Breakfast with Buddha
Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
16 posts | 29 read | 12 to read
At the behest of his sister, Otto Ringling finds himself reluctantly accompanying her guru, an enigmatic Mongolian monk, on a trip through Middle America to their childhood home, introducing his passenger to some American "fun" along the way.
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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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Just getting into this!

This book has been sitting on Mount TBR 🏔️📚🏔️ for years now, patiently awaiting its turn. I think I picked it up mostly for the cover😅

So far it‘s both sad (grief for both parents unexpectedly passing) & very funny!
Not sure if the wisdom it contains won‘t feel a bit dated - the basics of MINDFULNESS seem to have become common knowledge by now, if not common practice.

Still, I‘m curious to see where it takes me 😊

Cinfhen Looks like you‘re nice & cozy🥰 book sounds good! Enjoy xx 1y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Yes 🙌🏼 it‘s been a slow and cozy morning. Now it‘s off to a long and sweaty walk with sweet little Zelda 🥵🐾🐾 Have a beautiful Thursday 😘 1y
Cinfhen Sweet Zelda 😍 1y
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julesG Hope you're not melting, nor swimming away right now. I adore your trousers. I need to get a similar pair. 1y
CoffeeAndABook @julesG Melting or swimming away 🫠🌊 yes those seem to be the options today in Western Germany 😅 so far we managed to keep our walks dry with the help of the weather app and then spend some cozy down time while it rains cats and dogs outside ☔️ Hope you can do the same!! (edited) 1y
CoffeeAndABook @julesG … oh and the trousers are from paigh . com if you want to check them out! I got several pairs from them, they look decent and are super comfy, perfect for hot days 😎 1y
julesG Seen ads for the trousers online. They look very comfy. Will check the website once I'm back from the UK next week. I had planned to take the train to DUS later tonight. Now the kids and I are heading off two hours earlier than planned in the hope that we can make it to DUS before the DB cancels all trains. 1y
CoffeeAndABook Drücke dir alle Daumen dass ihr gut nach Düsseldorf kommt ?????? 1y
Suet624 I gave this one a so-so rating. Wish I could remember why. 1y
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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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2/2 This is amazing thank you. @BookNAround
So great full for all you book friends ❣💌

Catsandbooks Cute socks! Enjoy! 🍉 💕 3y
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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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I was so pleasantly surprised by this book! I had low expectations and assumed I was going to be reading a syrupy “Mitch Albom-type” book. I was wrong! Funny, charming, sweet, inspiring. I was even a little emotional by the end. This book came to me at the exactly right time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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The results are in for 1Q2021. My favorite books of the year so far have all been book club choices. I‘ve been in a monthly book club with my best girlfriends for about 15 years and the picks this year have not disappointed! Yay for books! Yay for girlfriends! Yay for Zoom! But, gosh, I can‘t wait until we can see each other in-person again.

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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Lucy and I are spending a quiet evening in the library to kick this year to the curb. I wish us all peace, strength, health, love, wisdom, and all the books our hearts desire. Oh, and the love of a cuddly kitty.


ladym30 Lucy is very pretty!❤️ 4y
Leftcoastzen 🥰😻Thanks , happy new year to you! 4y
goodbyefrancie @ladym30 Thanks! She uses it against us. 🙂 4y
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wildwoodreads The perfect night. Happy New Year! 4y
Ruthiella Happy New Year to you and Lucy! 🥳 4y
JaneyWaneyB Happy New Year 🥳 4y
JohnLAndBenji Cute cat! 1y
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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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This was just the right book for me in this moment. By its nature, it encouraged me to slow down and take a breath. I appreciated the guru's question, “Why so angry?“ I enjoyed Otto and the guru's adventures in Americana, especially the Hershey's and Chicago entries.

While I didn't love this as much as some of my bookish friends, I will likely read the subsequent installments.

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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Catching up on reviews for this week‘s reads. Here‘s the last one!

This light and positive novel is a great summer read and another book from #MountTBR

underthebelljar One of my favorite books ❤️ Lunch with Buddha is great too 5y
LiteratiCafe I liked this one as well. I haven‘t read the second in the series. 5y
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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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This is a book I think can either bore you or inspire you, depending on where in your life you are at the particular moment that you read it. It's a quick read if you want to just get through it. But if you're at a place in life where you're starting to wonder if this is all there is, this won't be a quick read because it'll lead you to start asking deeper questions that might make you feel uncomfortable.

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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Delightful characters and storyline but it took me forever to finish. Something was lacking for me. Probably just that I‘m in the mood for something dystopian.

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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A road trip, but not your garden variety adventure. At times showing sweet sentiment, thought provoking, and insightful. A fun read that may take YOU on a road trip of discovery as well.

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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A lovely story filled with Americana and philosophy. If you like Mitch Albom‘s Five People You Meet In Heaven, you will like this novel.

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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This story of a road trip with a Siberian monk was classified as spiritual fiction. It was a light read. The moral of the story: at every decision point make a choice for good. 3.5/5 If you feel like taking a road trip, now might be the time to come to Vermont. This location is about 20 minutes away from me. I believe the colors are just slightly enhanced in the photo.

DivineDiana Beautiful! 🍁🍂 7y
merelybookish Wow! Would love to visit Vermont sometime! 7y
AmyG We were in Killington a few weeks ago and the colors were muted as it didn't get cold fast enough. But some past trips have been magnificent! 7y
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Suet624 @AmyG Yeah, the whole color scheme is different this year. It's happening later than usual. It's been unusually warm. Now that the cold temps are happening the colors are starting to pop again. 7y
Izai.Amorim This view is breathtaking! 7y
LeahBergen Beautiful!! 😍😍 7y
BookNAround Goodness that's gorgeous! 7y
RohitSawant Fabulous view! 7y
AceOnRoam Great colours ! 7y
kspenmoll Gorgeous! We have the worst leaves this year-,still green some yellow, brown. Don‘ t know why- too warm? I@miss those reds!!! 7y
saresmoore Holy goodness, that is gorgeous! 😍 7y
Suet624 @kspenmoll have your leaves changed yet? Any reds? Our reds came later this year. 7y
kspenmoll Just saw some reds today, (10/22) -still@not as many but maybe its so@late, more will come! Still greens! 7y
Suet624 @kspenmoll oh good. Maybe more will show up. 7y
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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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"Unable to have children, Milton S. Hershey and his bride started a school for orphan boys, which eventually admitted girls, and which eventually became a school for the underprivileged, abused, and abandoned. At the time of his death in 1945, the school was on the receiving end of his entire fortune. ... All the profits from those Kisses and Almond Joy bars going to pay for kids whose parents had not been able, or willing, to bring them up."

kalinichta What an amazing way to turn a loss into a gain. Respect. 7y
Suet624 @kalinichta 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage And the school is still in operation today in Hershey, PA. 😎 7y
Suet624 @BarbaraTheBibliophage oh! I meant to check that out! Is it still paid for by Kisses? 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Not quite sure about financing these days ... 7y
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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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#photoadaynov16 #planestrainsandautomobiles
I absolutely loved these stories which are centered around road trips. I still need to read the last book in the trilogy, Dinner with Buddha.

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Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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This book was a bit hard for me to get into, probably because I'm a bit too similar to the protagonist for comfort. However, the author has a way of bringing you not only into the external scene, but also into the mindset of the protagonist, and I found myself having some of the same thought-changing “arguments” in my own head as he was having. I started this book out of curiosity, but now, I have added the follow ups to my TBR list.

Breakfast with Buddha | Roland Merullo
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#TBRTuesday Part 6

...And I almost forgot....the books I really need to read to stay up to date on my reading challenges for the year! 😱


Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'm using your # here!⬆️ thank you @BookishMarginalia 8y
Dolly Do you know by any chance if Lunch With... Or Dinner With ... Can be read before Breakfast With...? This 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Dolly No, I don't. I picked this one up on sale and I haven't read it yet. 8y
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