Morris Gleitzman is a legend! My 11yo son, who is a reluctant reader, devoured these books. 👏🤗
Morris Gleitzman is a legend! My 11yo son, who is a reluctant reader, devoured these books. 👏🤗
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Once is a 2005 children's novel by Australian author Morris Gleitzman. It is about a Jewish boy named Felix who lived in Poland and is on a quest to find his book-keeper parents after he sees Nazis burning the books from a Catholic orphanage in which had stayed at for 3 years and 8 months
The first chapter of the first book out of the sequel has me hooked! Felix is the main character is “trapped” in an orphanage and is longing to escape to find his mom and dad! Felix is a funny, smart, and risk taking kid! I can tell this series is going to be a good one!
I‘m excited to be starting the wonderful sequel of novels recommended by a friend! I am excited to see where these books take my imagination! #novelsequels #excited
I really liked this book. I‘m usually a slow reader for books, but I finished this one in about 2 weeks, so I obviously enjoyed it. I remember reading about half of it a couple years ago, but I never had the chance to finish it. So once (pun intended) I saw it on the shelf, I decided to reread it. Overall it was a great book and I really recommend it to people who want to know what Jewish people went through in the holocaust.
#Booked2020 #AboutGenocide
And that completes the Spring prompts and the challenge. Wrap-up post to follow.
This book is ok, I did not finish it casue it did not click for me I tried to read it but I couldn't understand what was going on. I recommend this book cause it has good miny storys of this boy and his adventures in the war @MrsBabki @Cfischbuch
This is a recent read from my daughters grade 5/6 class this year. After she had told me a little about it I found it on audiobook & we listened to it together.
Morris Gleitzman has written 6 in this series so I've downloaded them all & will continue through them with her.
The world is still marvelling at the horrendous situation of WW2 and even though the subject is difficult to talk about let alone imagine to be true, it needs to be heard.
These books have to be my all time favourite series, there about the Holocaust if your sensitive and that then don‘t read them there is a bit of gore but I would suggest this book for anyone who likes non fiction books
A #middlegrade novel of the #Holocaust, book burning, and the comfort of stories.
Can‘t wait for the next in the series. Already downloaded.
Book 162/165 5/4/19 #middlegrademay
The innocence of the young Felix was so endearing. What a fabulous book.
Once is about a Jewish boy names Felix. He lives in Poland and is on adventure to find his parents when he sees Nazis burning books from a Catholic orphanage library where he stays. He befriends a girl named Zelda whom he finds in a burning house where her parents died. This book is HF and was inspired by the events of WWII. TS that would work with this book are LC, RA, PR, IR, and GR. This book really gives students an image of how it was like to
A quick, but heartbreaking YA novel about a little boy who tells stories to help cope with the world around him...a world that is ripping apart at the seems during the Holocaust in Poland. I teared up at the end, but am heartened to see that there are two more books in this series, so I can keep reading about little Felix.
My first #spinepoetry #marchintoreading
Once, in the lake of the woods
We got the water.
The river, forbidden.
The mulberry tree, wild orchids
All on fire.