Storia molto interessante, bellissima ambientazione. Ho apprezzato l'analisi che viene fatta dei sentimenti e delle sensazioni del protagonista. Tuttavia non ha un buon ritmo e non mi ha fatto impazzire lo stile di scrittura.
Storia molto interessante, bellissima ambientazione. Ho apprezzato l'analisi che viene fatta dei sentimenti e delle sensazioni del protagonista. Tuttavia non ha un buon ritmo e non mi ha fatto impazzire lo stile di scrittura.
Ad occhi chiusi, potremmo facilmente trovarci seduti ad un tavolino del Café Orquídea ad ordinare una limonata e a sorseggiarla mentre osserviamo la trasformazione del nostro protagonista: il signor Pereira, un giornalista di mezza età profondamente solo. Tutto cambia dal giorno dell‘appuntamento con un giovane studente di filosofia, incontro che farà da preludio allo scontro, ormai inevitabile, con l‘io più profondo di Pereira. #libridaleggere
I didn't think much of this to start with, I found the writing ponderous and the story very slow, but it gradually became more and more compelling as the nature of the society in which Pereira is living slowly reveals itself. It feels particularly important right now to be reminded of how easy it is for governments to seek to misuse concepts of patriotism and the common good. Marking off Portugal for #ReadingEurope2020. Also #BookspinBingo
A gem of a book. Expressing a deep love for Portugal, a short story set in Lisbon in 1938, during the dictatorship of Salazar. Pereira writes the cultural pages of a local newspaper. He talks to a photograph of his dead wife and has put on too much weight.
Beneath this simple story is a commentary on censorship, politics and revolution. Simple but powerful.
I was lucky enough to travel to Portugal last year and also fell in love with it❤️❤️
This was my#booked2020 read in a day (well more accurately on a plane journey!) to Portugal where the novel is set (#europe2020 also I guess!) its a quiet but deeply though provoking story of a journalist slowly becoming more aware and politically engaged during a difficult time. It‘s tense and quite creepy as the repeated Pereira maintains implies some kind of interrogation.
A friend recommended this book to me for my Hollidays. Set in Portugal in 1938 , Pereira is a journalist, widowed, grieving, thickening at the waist, with heart problems. A chance meeting with a younger man transforms his life. An Intelligent, witty , charming & tragic book. I will def be reading more by this author. A short, gem of a book. 5 ⭐️. I‘m the better for having read it ❤️
Next up. PEREIRA MAINTAINS with some Austrian wine & peanuts 😊
I picked this up at a Reading Spa session at Mr. B's Emporium of Reading Delights in Bath, England. Knowing very little about the history of Portugal did not hinder me from experiencing the intensity of emotions and the heavy hand of history on the characters. This is the quietest thriller I have ever read.
"It was the twenty-fifth of July Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Eight, and Lisbon was glittering in the azure purity of an Atlantic breeze, Pereira maintains."