Another amazing installment to the series if you ask me. I loved the way it tied up the loose ends it had created in the last two and paved the way for the stories to continue going forward. I'm so annoyed I dont have the next installment already!
Another amazing installment to the series if you ask me. I loved the way it tied up the loose ends it had created in the last two and paved the way for the stories to continue going forward. I'm so annoyed I dont have the next installment already!
I found Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman run a little off, but the end of this book has a twist that really caught me by surprise.
Mixed feelings. Issues 1 and 3 start a conspiracy story, while 2 delves into Wonder Woman's backstory. The illustrations in 1 and 2 are glorious. In 3, they alternated to various other artists which makes the visual tone vary widely. It's not bad, per-say, just obvious when the art style changes back and forth. For new readers, start with 2. Then read 1 and 3 which have lots of characters from WW's past. #dw2020reads
Hmm... The padded cell/ asylum subplot in this volume made no sense to me, and the way superhero comics deal with mental illness and its treatment shits me mightily.
Gorgeous artwork, interesting plotline. A lot of Steve Trevor, which I appreciate after the WW movie 😢
The one thing I love most, though, is how they draw her hair.
Guess who went to an out of town library today.......
*weakly raises hand*
In my defense, I haven't checked out 30 comics at one time in several months. I've been totally good about keeping my library checkouts in the single digits. I've earned this obscene pile of comics.
I really love it when the things like this come in the mail. It‘s an instant smile to my face.
My evening plans - as #litsypartyofone draws to a close. It's been a great weekend. 😃
Elliot & Tilney have been quite pleased that most of today has been a reading day. #catsoflitsy
Gotta love #hoopla and the access to new comics!
I love when a story arc comes together. Great conclusion to the Truth and Lies story arc.
Out today! Check it out from our Graphic Novels section.
Wonder Woman vol 3 merges Vol 1, where Diana is trying to figure out what is truth and what is lies, and Volume 2 which looks back at her first year. The story picks up after vol 1 which at first throws the reader off, but as you move through the sections the stories merge and you clearly see the before and after. So far I am liking this version of Wonder Woman.
What a counts for sexy talk from a super computer.