Heads up Team B in #LMPBC ! My book is hitting the mail today. If I remember right I'm sending to @Hestapleton riiiiight? @Reynosa8701 @Littlewolf1
Litsy Markup Postal Book Club @suvata #LMPBC #round11 #groupB
Heads up Team B in #LMPBC ! My book is hitting the mail today. If I remember right I'm sending to @Hestapleton riiiiight? @Reynosa8701 @Littlewolf1
Litsy Markup Postal Book Club @suvata #LMPBC #round11 #groupB
Heck yeah, it's the first of Spring! #catsoflitsy watching over the northern hemisphere.
A #graphicnovel #retelling of the submerged City of Ys (off coast of France). It's about responsibility and paying your debts, even when those debts are inherited. It's creepy and haunting. No one is a great, moral character, but some are worse than others. I loved the art style. See: pretty colors framing a skully-sea-snake. I wish there were more pages laying out the city's supernatural grandeur. Recommended for Emily Carroll fans. #dw2021
My 7yo just whined, "The cover is annoying!" And I agreed since it applies to the contents as well. Buckley's stream-of-consciousness writing reveals more about him than about Washington DC sights. A few anecdotes had me chuckling, but most of the book left me lost and impatient. Which is the last thing I want when armchair-travelling. #dw2021
Last call for #Ostara cards! I'm happy to send one to #litsylove members or any other #witch or #pagan littens who happen to catch this post. 🌞 Cards are on the way to you @Cuilin @Caitlin_Sheridan and @BookwormAHN
Heyo #potteraday people! What's your ETA on book 3? I'm looking to join y'all but I had just read books 1 and 2 in Dec.
I read this back-to-back with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein AND I'M SO GLAD I DID!! A delightful retelling with so 👏 many 👏 mind 👏 games! 😅🤨 Thrilling to see where White added to the original and where she deviated. I'm ecstatic and creeped out at the same time. #dw2021
Can't wait to share with #LMPBC #groupB @Reynosa8701 @Hestapleton @Littlewolf1
So wordy and emotionally florid, but daaamn, Mary Shelley burrows into her characters‘ psyches and twists them to bit! Frank‘s monster is an astounding character 👌 great villain. Many pivotal moments happen off-screen and then are immediately narrated about in immediate past tense. It‘s jarring for modern readers expecting show-don‘t-tell writing. I recommend this to psychological horror fans, but also realize it won‘t appeal to all.
Academic yet practical @BookBosomed1 would like to try #3wordreviews by @ShyBookOwl ?
#dw2021 Dr. Tatum writes about child & teen psychology and identity development with nuance. I wish every educator and parent could read this, but those two groups have the LEAST amount of time on their hands. 🙂🙃😴 Realistically, read these 3-ish sections: (continued in comments)
Frank, motivating memoir #3wordreviews @ShyBookOwl How about you @GlitterGirl ?
#dw2021 Part memoir, part runners' inspiration. If you're an experienced runner / marathoner, there are useful parts in here (hello ULTRAmarathons), but Arzón's writing is most useful for beginners and for runners who've hit a mental block.
I discovered the joy of running with sweet-dog Allie (d. 2016). Is it time to rediscover it? Or time to get a new dog?
Oops, I'm a day late for #wonderouswednesday but since @crazeedi asked so nicely...
1. Audio, followed by paperback
2. My janky camper. My favorite form of vacation is to park the campers at my in-laws. They entertain the kids, and I spend most of the day alone with my books. Super relaxing, no matter the weather.
3. Grateful mid-term week in my college class. All previous tests have been reopened to try for better grades.
Heads up @Caitlin_Sheridan @dana_says @aroc one of these postcards is destined for you! #LitsyLove I'm either introducing myself 👋 OR replying to your card from months ago 🙈 Until they reach you, hope you have lots of reading-time!
1) YES. Besides books (including e-books and e-audiobooks), I've borrowed board gamea, puzzles, puppets, and cake pans from my current library system. I also use my little local library for the photocopier which also handles scan-to-email.
2) For the most part. I am one of the library staff and keep tabs who's helpful and who's not-so-much. 👀🙊
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
Next month is the first day of spring aka Spring Equinox aka #Ostara ! Any #pagan or #witchy folks here that would like to receive snail mail? Feel free to email at dwaynamay(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll send ya a real card. I promise, NOT a bill. If you're already in #LitsyLove , leave a reply below.
Art by Chancey Hall https://www.chanceyhall.com/etsy-shop
I read this when I was a child, and just finished reading it to my 7yo. It features a narrating dog, a mysterious bunny, and a paranoid cat. We giggled a lot because it's only slightly spooky. This only takes a few nights to read, but if you like it, there are several more in the series.
Great for readers 8yo+, people who love pets, and parents who want share a scary story that turns out sweet. #21readaloud #dw2021
Intriguing MG novel but not sure I'd recommend it far and wide. I started reading it aloud to my kids, but they stopped asking for it. 😴 Sweet story is slow-moving and very introspective. Eventually, becomes a fantasy. Author likes to use lyrical words and play with phrases. Reminds me slightly of Alice in Wonderland but set in Minneapolis #Minnesota Recommended for ages 10+, sisters, or fans of unfolding mysteries. #21readalouds #dw2021 vvv
Here are the books I received in #happilyeverafterswap & I'm looking forward to both! #feminist #fantasy
- I was thinking about rereading Song of Ice & Fire series (Game of Thrones) but The Priory of the Orange Tree looks way more exciting.
- First tho, I'll brush up on the legend of Ys (EEss), a drowned city. Then, enjoy its #graphicnovel #retelling - Daughters of Ys.
Thanks @Chrissyreadit @BookBosomed1
😻 my cats accept your tribute 😽
Thank you @BookBosomed1 for the #HappilyEverAfterSwap care package. I love it and I'm not the only one. @Chrissyreadit
@Come-read-with-me Thank you for sunny words. I've loved revisiting them during this polar vortex. #LitsyLove
You could say that Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life has been one disagreement after another.
#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl #RBG
LOOK, LOOK! The lil' rude calico *deigned* to get comfy with me. 🥰 #catsoflitsy
Not much reading for fun when you're taking EMT training. But the lap-cat doesn't mind. #catsoflitsy
Reaching out to #groupB #LMPBC11 Hi there @Reynosa8701 and @Littlewolf1 I can't sleep tonight. Since I'm up, time to think about horror stories 🤪 Any of these titles catch your eye?
A week into February and I realized, 'Huh, what *did* I read?' #wrapup
Completed 4 outta 6...
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin
Sovereign by April Daniels
An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling
Carrying over into next month...
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum
The Lost Girl by Anne Ursu
I was soooo anxious for my monthly Libro.fm credit to kick in! Now, I can start listening to this 20th anniversary edition - read by the author, Beverly Daniel Tatum #blitsy #nonfiction
P.S. I'm on a tight budge but I treated my*shelf* to a Libro.fm #audiobook subscription. Same price as Audible but shares it's profit with independent book stores.
4-star story! Supernatural spin on mistaken identities
5-star audio direction! The full cast, the music, the accents! 😲🙂🥰
2-star audio quality 😬 Despite how good the cast is, why is it so technically flawed?? Low volume and the sound of dead-air? Come-on BBC, use better mics or filter the audio tracks - something! (A pet peeve of mine.)
#free #audiobook until Jan 26
#free #audiobook #lgbtq No wonder I couldn't find this on audiobook - it's an Audible exclusive. Luckily, Audible-non-users can enjoy it no strings attached. Don't expect bells or whistles, though - no bookmarks or downloading via https://stories.audible.com/pdp/B072C3MZ8V?ref=adbl_ent_anon_ds_pdp_pc_cntr-2-7
Doesn't live up to the emotional nuance of the 1st book. Does have loads of action, rad supporting characters, imaginative world building (how do superheroes operate in a buercratic society?), high stakes.
I wish this story had spent more time developing the MC's ties to her family-of-friends, the family she chose.
Trigger warnings: violence, torture, transphobia, deadnaming, alcoholism
Found on the acknowledgment page ? "Thank you those special teachers who, from kindergarten on up, kindly tolerated my habit of ignoring them to read instead." #readingproblems
So-so is my reaction, not a criticism of Harjo's work. I realized my poetry-reading skills are out-of-practice. Reading poems demands a different consciousness than prose. Yikes - why did I stray away from poetry for so long??
I've heard that Harjo is brilliant live, and she uses music and song both as a poetic device and as themes. Next time, I'll find her on audio or video. I feel like I'm missing out by reading only text. #dw2021 #21myown
My kids (10yo & 7yo) loved this. Their favorites? Dobby, the whole Weasley family, and they love to hate Gilderoy Lockhart (but agree that he has good taste in fashion).
My opinion? Probably, my least favorite book of the series. My complaints are listed in the spoilers -vv- below. #dw2021 #20readalouds
Maybe I shouldn't read Harry Potter at bedtime?? My kids are hearing the stories for the first time, and as clues are revealed, their faces look like ^^^ A cliffhanger each chapter does NOT leave them sleepy.
#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain
1. Sovereign by April Daniels (current read)
2. When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost by Joan Morgan, specifically chapter 4 (book that made you a better person)(also a book by a Black author)
3. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? by Beverly Daniel Tatum (book by a Black author)
An idea for #litsylove or anyone who likes writing letters: send a thank you to Senator Andy Kim (from NJ). Only hours after riots at the US Capitol, Senator Kim literally got on his knees and helped clean-up. What a humble, hopeful way to express public service! Ways to contact his office https://kim.house.gov/
E P I C S T O R Y !
There are more characters to keep track of than in book 1. I'll be relistening to this #audiobook again before diving into book 3 in Feb. Don't want to miss any details before the world-shaking conclusion.
About the narrator: Based on book 1, I knew Robin Miles was good. But her work in book 2 blew me away! She's one of *thee* great audio-performers. #dw2021
@TheAromaofBooks I'm ready to give #bookspin a try this year. All are from my oveflowing shelves. Even if I read all these, I'm not sure if it will make a dent! 🙈
1. I have in the past, but more useful for me... readathons! I struggle with simply finding the time to read *and* staying awake. So short readathons give me a reason to schedule a day or two of indulgence. And readathon cheerleaders 🥳 rock!
2. The 24in48 readathon (read for 24 hours during a weekend) https://24in48.com/
@Hazel2019 and @Skygoddess1 you're invited to play #two4tuesday Read on! @Chrissyreadit @TheSpineView
😲 awww! 🥰 The night before my mom's major surgery, I bought a used book, and she spotted this note from a past owner. What happened to the couple, and how did this book come to be resold? 🤔😭
#reread It🤘ed last year, and I ❤ed it again! Since I knew where it was going, it was faster this time but still nuanced. I discovered new details and came away with new questions. NK Jemisin's imagination and empathy are astounding. (Broken Earth 1) #dw2021
January, here I come. Is it weird that I'm starting 2021 by rereading a book from my 2020 list?? 😅
1 diverse author | Sovereign by Daniels
1 nonfiction | Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together... ? by Tatum
1 from a series | The Fifth Season by Jemisin (tagged)
1 of my own | An American Sunrise by Harjo
1 from Camp Read-a-lot | The Lost Girl by Ursu
1 read aloud | Harry Potter 2 by Rowling
My first and last reads of 2020 were both about lonely young ladies, but they were completely different characters:
- sci-fi vs. historical fiction
- flightly vs. serious
- works well with others vs. works independently
- trapped vs. on-the-run
Tagged my favorite of the two.
Finished this #audiobook during the last morning in 2020. Even had to shush my mom because she was talking during the last 5 minutes. 😳🙊 This book focuses more on character building than the mystery plot. One of my favorite literary themes is loneliness, and it's featured heavily here. This reader appreciated it. 💙🥲 #dw2020reads
Hiya @BookBosomed1 nice to e-meet you! We've been matched in the #happilyeverafterswap Would you like to chat here in Litsy or via e-mail? Dwaynamay@gmail.com