“Then perhaps we should carve a world one day where the strength lies in who you are rather than in what they expect you to be.”
“Then perhaps we should carve a world one day where the strength lies in who you are rather than in what they expect you to be.”
Love the story and the characters and the fact that there were different Londons... it was amazing. I can‘t wait o read the other books from this series. If you want something different and filled with magic and a really good storyline this book is for you.
Well, look at that! I have a new reading companion. Say hello yo Jughead. 😂
“Love doesn‘t keep us from freezing to death, Kell,” she continued, “or starving, or being knifed for the coins in our pocket. Love doesn‘t buy us anything, so be glad for what you have and who you have because you may want for things but you need for nothing.”
I really don‘t have any words for this book. The only thing I can say is: You need to absolutely buy this book. It‘s so good. The retelling of the story is perfect and the characters are really good, and I just loved it all. From beginning throughout the end. I finished it in one sitting. That‘s how perfect it was.
“Two kingdoms that come with responsibilities we each have trouble bearing. Him, the shackles of being pinned to one land and one life. Me, trapped in the confines of my mother‘s murderous legacy. And the ocean, calling out to us both. A song of freedom and longing.”
This is a really good story! I was hesitant at the beginning because it was a little slow (at least for me) but as I kept reading it got more interesting. I liked Sparrow and Meredy‘s relationship. How they kinda hate each other at the start but found a mutual respect for one another. I won‘t say much more because you need to, at least, give this book a chance. 😉
“I wonder is anyone can truly know another person,” Meredy says softly, her eyes lingering on me as she trusts her horse to stick to the path. “Or if we all keep a few rooms‘ worth of secrets locked away in our minds.”
Next book on my TBR list. I hope to finish it by tomorrow. Fingers crossed. 🤞🏼🤓
I already have the other books of this series on my Amazon cart. That‘s how much I loved this book. The story just hooked me up and didn‘t want to let me go until I finished it. I love the retelling of the Little Red Ridding Hood is awesome. The author just kept me wanting more with this one.
Yes! Finally have this one in my hands. It‘s been so long since I‘ve read the first book of this series that it was about time that I start Scarlet.
I just finished the book and I‘ve gotta say that the story was beautifully written, and it‘s gonna make you cry and feel anger and love all at once. It may be a ‘scary‘ story but it‘s just much more than that.
“Love is an enchantress- devious and wild. It sneaks up behind you, soft and gentle and quiet, just before it slits your throat.”
I just started the book and I‘m already hooked. Beginning to feel suspicious of Penny. 🤔
Look at this beautiful book that just arrived to my doorstep. The cover is gorgeous and it‘s so shiny! I can‘t stop looking at it. 💛
Yes!! This books is incredible. I loved it from the start. The stories are so well put together. It made me laugh and cry. I loved it. That‘s it. 🤣💛
When you‘re trying to be productive... but you just gotta finish that book. 📖♥️
I LOVED this book! Kept me hooked since the beginning. I always like Jennifer‘s books. I couldn‘t put it down. ♥️
To be honest, this one wasn‘t on my TBR list but I‘m glad I bought this on a whim. I was a little (well, more than a little) mad that her friends didn‘t believed her when she told the truth. The way people were acting towards her... it was actually kinda frightening. The most thing I liked about the main character was, that no matter what happened, she found a way to conquer her fears. Found a way to keep fighting no matter the circumstances.
Since I was in the mood for the cute and quick reads for the last two weeks, I decided that this would be one of the books on my TBR. This books did not disappoint. I liked it because the ending is a little different. Yes, they both loved each other but, at the end, their friendship was what really mattered to them. I like stories that, not only concentrate on love, but friendships as well.
A little bit behind on my reading list. Trying to catch up.
I really don‘t know what to say. I have so many emotions. Ok... so, at first I hate it that they treated Jude so bad. That part made me mad as hell. But... as I kept reading I kinda like the banter between Jude and Cardan (‘cause I like when characters that like each other fight). I know it‘s kinda twisted but it‘s fun and entertaining, at least for me. So, yeah. I really liked the book. 🤣🤷🏻♀️
Liked it, liked the characters, and it was a cute read. Perfect for a time when you don‘t want to read that much or when you don‘t know what to read.
I really thank that post from someone in Instagram because without that post I wouldn‘t have read this books. If you love dragons, a love story, and a fierce female lead... this is for you. I loved it from the start. The story is different and really good. I give this one a thumbs up. 👍🏼
“I‘ll put you in danger,” she said, admitting her deepest fear. “Haven‘t we been through this? I love danger.”
“The son of a dragon queen dared to love a slave, and it did not end well for anyone.”
“All queens are sacred. Even those you threw into a pit.”
Finished this in less than an hour. It kept me hooked up until the end. Totally recommend this.
I LOVED it!!! Loved the art and the writing. The stories had their little twist and it leave me wanting more. If you like her books, The you‘re going to like this one.
This book... I have no words. I am still in shock about that bloody plot twist but I loved this book. The last pages broke my heart ♥️ because knowing what Maeve is and having to read what Aelin was feeling... I just wanted to punch Maeve in the face. I can‘t wait for the next book!
I was surprised to see that the release of this book was so sudden (and I say that because I haven‘t had the time to spend as many hours as I liked on Amazon this past few months). I was so happy to learn that there was going to be a third book to this series (which I have loved since the begging). I always loved her writing and I will always. And this book did not disappoint. ♥️
I just really love the idiotic things they all do. It puts a smile to my face every time. 🤣
I really love it when the things like this come in the mail. It‘s an instant smile to my face.
From the 👸🏽 herself and my most beloved series, I have this book in my hands. Finally. I have been waiting for this ♥️! My Christmas 🎄 break is already compromised. (I can‘t read it right now because college and all... which is a bummer 😑).
THIS! This is a beautiful thing. I fell in love with the art in the pages... it‘s beautiful. That‘s all. ♥️
The story is cute, it just wasn‘t working for me at the begging... that‘s why I have drag this one out. Overall, it‘s not that bad.
“When the battle is done, the 👑 is won”. Finally I have this baby in my hands. I really want to know what happens with the triplets. 👸🏽
Remember when I said I was almost through with my TBR pile? Yeah. Well, that was a mistake. I‘m still waiting for four more books to arrive. 🤷🏻♀️😅
I can finally say that I‘m almost through with my TBR pile - said no bookworm ever. 🤣🤷🏻♀️
I actually liked this one. I didn‘t love it but I liked it. What I love most are the characters so that‘s a plus. I felt like there were some parts that were a little boring but, like I said, I liked it and I think that it‘s good. Looking forward for Crooked Kingdom.
Finally I‘m able to make a review after so much time... since I didn‘t have internet after the hurricane I‘ve finished my TBR pile and this was at the top. I don‘t know how to feel about it. I had high expectations for this book that I just... I don‘t know. Anyway, overall, the books is good. I liked the twist and maybe the end. So is a so-so for me.
So... we have another hurricane coming. Probably going to be without service on my phone 📱 and without any means of communicating. I‘ll try and and read a little bit just to pass the time and I‘ll let you know what happens if I get the chance and if I have a little bit of internet. So just keep reading. 💛
Today is a great day. I have a new book and I am happy. That's all. 🙃😍
I have loved this series since the first one and I will keep on loving them. I was starting to miss the Royals family and now with the new twist (and the new cliffhanger, again 🤦🏻♀️) I'm happy. 😆