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Shelving | Greg Cheetham
7 posts
This guide to shelving is part of a series which shows how to make simple projects for the home and garden. Each book in the series covers a single topic.
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Shelving | Greg Cheetham
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Finally got my new book cart filled up. Took a lot of trips up and down the stairs with stacks of books as I book the cart in my bedroom on the second floor, and the majority of my books are kept on the first floor, but these were the ones I just didn't have room for. My husband's happy they're off the floor.

P.S. The stickers I made into magnets.

LiteraryinLawrence It‘s so pretty and organized! 4y
MittenGirlPeach I love it! 4y
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Shelving | Greg Cheetham
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I spent the evening reshelving books during my volunteer shift at the library tonight. It‘s fun seeing the covers of all the kids books. ❤️

LazyDays Some kid books are freaking cool! 5y
Soubhiville @Bookishthoughts I agree completely! 5y
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Shelving | Greg Cheetham
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The FB machine just hit me right in the feels with this ad! Swooning- I may need smelling salts!

Our next house must have space for this! Get all that non-book stuff off them though- nothing but books on my shelves!

BarbaraJean Totally with you—I look at ads like these and I swoon and then think: WHY are there so few books on these shelves?!?! 5y
tracey38 I agree, they are gorgeous. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading Beautiful but I have to agree about all the other stuff. Who has room on bookshelves for anything other than books!!?? 5y
mcipher I just put stuff around the second layer of books. 😆😆 5y
LauraJ Ladders + cats = ? 5y
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Shelving | Greg Cheetham
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Worked on my some of my shelves today. These are all books I need/want to read but don't know if I'll keep until I have read them. It includes new/old books, ARCs, and discards from the library. These are in no order, though the top shelf are the top priority. There is one more shelf below that didn't fit in picture. The books not facing out on the other shelf are books I'm definitely keeping, waiting to be alphabetized by author. #shelves #tbr

Shelving | Greg Cheetham
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Day 3 overflow shelf= coffee table #3shelvesin3days

Samplergal Love it! 6y
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Shelving | Greg Cheetham
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Day 2! Don‘t rearrange. Today is the organized shelf! #3shelveain3days #cleanshelf #readbooks #literature

Shelving | Greg Cheetham
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No rearranging. Just 3 of your own book shelves in 3 Days. #3shelvesin3days #messyshelf #bookshelf

Samplergal Love it!!! 6y
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