Can you guess which ones were the readathon days!? I hit 16 hours, which seems to be my usual for these #24in48 weekends. Even if I don‘t reach 24, I love how they motivate me to focus on my books, instead of constantly being distracted.
Can you guess which ones were the readathon days!? I hit 16 hours, which seems to be my usual for these #24in48 weekends. Even if I don‘t reach 24, I love how they motivate me to focus on my books, instead of constantly being distracted.
The top-notch, créme de la créme @LitsyGoesPostalOG elite members will tell you how much I love making charts ?. Charts, charts EVERYwhere, it's how I roll ?. So now I'm making charts that will have every single #SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticeBookExchange participant in them. Right here in this notebook. It is from here and our gigantic digital chart that we will make your matchings. Sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/LiYbOVhrSz8tQKzP2