This book HURT. Reading Willow's story of having a manic addict mother and a distant father who's love is shown through structure and disapproval, and how she copes without healthy displays of love, hurt me. This is a good perspective on how a child can see a parent in one light, but the actuality is something completely different. But in the end, there was real, broken but honest to goodness love. Read this when you need a good, cathartic cry.
"Because love is crazy and magical. It's right and it's wrong and it's simple and it's complicated. But no matter what, you feel it all over, you let it in, and it twists through your insides."
Finally! I have been on hold for this one for quite a while. This is my second to last book to finish my 2018 #popsugarreadingchallenge 🎊 Almost there!
I am not a crier at books; usually it‘s a movie that can move me to tears. This one came REALLY close. I can‘t believe how quickly I moved through this book, always reading more in one sitting than I intended to. It really speaks to how love is expressed and received in so many different ways.
The characters in this book just made s‘mores with bacon on them. This sounds like something worth trying!
Would you do it? Have you tried this? I‘m curious!
Love this quote! And so far, loving the book. I‘m reading more each session than I intend to! Must put down and go to sleep! 💤
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Good lord, the feels! I really enjoyed this one. The characters were all endearing, the emotions were all real, and there was a twist that I probably should‘ve seen coming but didn‘t. Rosie Colored Glasses is definitely one that I recommend!
Seeing the world through Rosie Colored Glasses 💕 #currentlyreading #booksandlibraries
Willow‘s mother Rosie is a dream mom, always up for adventure, pro-candy, and unconcerned about homework or bedtime. So when Willow‘s parents get divorced, it‘s a no-brainer for Willow about which parent she prefers. But there‘s a dark side to Rosie‘s endlessly fun-loving persona and as Willow slowly learns who her mother is, she is forced to confront hard questions about family, identity, and the true meaning of unconditional love.
🌸Happy happy Monday. Pretty excited Today. Doing laundry and my hubby is off today, so going to relax and hoping to get a workout in later. I hope you all have a great Monday.
Rosie Colored Glasses was a truly sad, and yet beautiful book. I chose it because the blurb gave the impression of an emotional story, but I never thought it would be this emotional. Maybe not best to read if you have a sensitive heart, but a very moving and special story nonetheless. Read the full review here: https://goo.gl/Zi3ufP
Just heard about this book! Heard it will tear your heart out. Hope to read it sometime this Spring.
I thought perhaps this book was going to be happy. The cover is definitely misleading on that count. Get your Kleenex ready. This is worthy of a good cry. I enjoyed it and have plenty of thoughts I want to talk over with someone else who read it.
I am in need of a happy book. I have no idea if this will fit the bill, but if I were to judge a book by it‘s cover, this one looks happy to me.