I liked it. I read it a while back.
So I'm sure this book gets a lot of negative prejudices with it as it is written by a Kardashian, however I enjoyed it. There's nothing groundbreaking but I found her straightforward and honest. She also has a great approach to exercise, eating and life in general. Somewhere between a so-so and a pick for me.
How did I end up reading #Kardashian ;-) it's pretty alright :-)
Finished this one just after midnight! I plan to focus mostly on my health & fitness this year so I will be reading less.. But this was a good motivator.
Got this baby with my Christmas Gift Card! 😋 excited to get myself in the mood for change in 2017 🎉
Before I read this book I was so excited because the Kardashians are a big influence of mine. At first I was disappointed because it was less of her personal journey and more of a diet book. Although, when I reached about the middle of the book that's when things got interesting! She began to talk about her dad and truly began to spill herself into the story. Overall I highly recommend this book if you are interested in auto biographies/ health.
That feeling when...you just want to be Khloé Kardashian when you grow up. ????
🙋🏻 so guilty of this!
Read this specifically to meet this requirement for the 2016 Popsugar Reading Challenge - glad I picked it! Nothing earth shattering or that hasn't ever been said/written but a great inspiration read none the less!
I know everyone has their opinion about the Kardashian's BUT if you need some motivation to get your butt to the gym... go read this book! 💪🏼