I loved this, and wasn‘t expecting to as much as I did- just what I needed in this moment. Really enjoyed her last novel, and am so glad I picked this one up, too. Fantastic cover art played a part 🌊🍾 ✌️
I loved this, and wasn‘t expecting to as much as I did- just what I needed in this moment. Really enjoyed her last novel, and am so glad I picked this one up, too. Fantastic cover art played a part 🌊🍾 ✌️
I hated all of these characters (I think this was the point)
Oh wow I couldn‘t stop listening to this, what a trip. Why do we kill ourselves for work?
I loved Cork Dork, and the author used the same investigative method for this one as it relates to the art world
Tana French all day forever and always. Character development! Descriptive environments! Literary mystery! Yes.
The audio narration is elaborate and a true performance! If you‘re into that, you may enjoy this story.. there‘s a fantasy element that appears about 70% of the way through that felt forced, so I ended up just wanting to get through it. Everything felt as expected, and the fantasy toss in at the end just screamed as a Hail Mary to me.
The audio version of this one is narrated so well. It took a while for the plot and story to come around for me, but when the pieces started to finally come together, I can see why so many literary folks adore this
Wow. This book is a trip. I had a lot of wtf moments reading this. I know it‘s getting a ton of attention, but ultimately left me with more ‘why‘ questions than answers.
Love when Maine is the setting for a summer novel! It felt like this book was trying to do a lot.. just too much for one story, it felt all over the place. Really needed to be honed in and with some focus.
What a lovely little story- so many characters, such a slow burn lead up focusing on a small town in Pennsylvania
Ten women‘s stories as they relate to the before and aftermath surrounding the death of young girl in a coastal Mass town
A chaotic heist mixed with some sort of throuple plot is the only way I can describe what‘s happening here. #botm
A true crime memoir focused around the author‘s mother and her death after being kidnapped when she was a young girl. All the trigger warnings apply here, this is raw and brutal, but beautifully written.
Art & Greece, set in the 90s, beautiful backdrops- this is set to come out later in July in the states. I never felt fully invested in the characters, but the setting is what shined for me.
An unlikeable-man main character, Mrs Robinson vibes, some murder.. it‘s a page-turner.
I loved this. Out in bookstores next week, a nuanced memoir about life and loss, laced with Sloane Crosley‘s sharp humor and wit.
A character driven novel told from the view of three women in Arkansas that really captures the atmosphere of college campus dorm life. And with interesting cultural commentary throughout, as Kiley Reid does. Felt her debut was stronger than this second novel, but I like her writing.
Thoughtful look at ski towns, how they‘ve evolved, become unaffordable for those who maintain and keep them running, and the growing barriers around who gets to enjoy snow sports and the mountains.
A very sweet story focusing on grief, found family and new beginnings. May have been just a bit too sweet for me, but nothing against that.
Actively trying to post in a more timely fashion what I‘m reading 🙈
I loved this book- I love tana french‘s writing- she really just places you right into the environment of a story, and it stays with me. I‘m so glad I haven‘t read through all of her dublin series so I still have them to look forward to. Am also very much looking forward to her newest release coming in March.
Lots of rich people & old money problems in Brooklyn, with a bit of an under baked storyline.
Love this series adaptation on Hulu so thought I‘d see if the novel reads the same - it does not, quite. (is this coming back for another season??🤞)
Such good little quiet debut novel about family, loss, heartbreak, and regret.
this short story collection I really loved. a rollercoaster of solid, devastating stories, a lot of bleak in the best of ways; Irish literature at it‘s best.
A really short & clever read, Coulson‘s whole novel is formed by wall labels found within a museum and ‘revolves around the life of Kitty Whitaker as she is defined by her potential for display and moved from collection to collection through multiple marriages‘
Deserving of the attention it‘s gotten this year, Family Meal is layered and tackles grief in a messy and tender way.
Of course I listened to the this memoir narrated by Michelle Williams in one day.
I love Knoll‘s novels, and this is no exception. A great shift in focus, taking the spotlight off of the infamous serial killer and putting the attention instead on the women and their voices, which are so often lost in the story and the sensationalism.
All the yes to hopper
The focus really shifted back and forth between glossier and Weiss, but still- an interesting female ceo story, that could have been a long article.
'woman returns to her small Maine hometown, uncovering family secrets that take her on a journey of self-discovery and new love‘ easy beach reading 😎🦆
An easy read that really leans into all of the influencer/self-help/self-care tropes - full of fun drama.
A messy family story set on cape cod, this didn‘t live up to my expectations. know it was a hit for a lot of folks, but i was really hoping for more from these characters
this story has a missing-person-mystery, but like Miracle Creek, it‘s more about a family looking for answers. a really great sophomore novel #botm
Groff‘s writing is always so, so good. no exception here, I loved it. Dark and bleak but also hopeful, it‘s a book about survival, and it won‘t be for everyone, but it was absolutely for me. Publish date is September 12.
One week of inner dialogue of a woman who is absolutely obsessed with her husband. somehow this feels like a thriller, it‘s so suspenseful, but also really darkly funny.
two friends reconnect ten years after a teenage trip to greece to determine how their friend really died on that trip- was it murder, or an accident?
Very precise. Moving through the seasons of the pandemic, exploring thoughts on our memories- and the next generations- will be affected by that period of disconnection.
I had really high hopes for this. An interesting literary premise, the writing is a bit too dense. It tries too hard to be clever. Boarding school scandals and coming of age millennial teen nostalgia.
After a widow finds out her husband had been having an affair, she takes off her France to escape and obliterate her past. White Lotus vibes and complicated friendships.
I‘ve seen a lot of mixed reviews on this, and I have a lot of mixed feelings. Calling it a romance feels inaccurate and limiting. The whole thing left me frustrated.
Enjoyed this more than I didn‘t, but the ending was still really lacking for me (if you‘ve read this, you may be saying what ending??) it‘s a consuming story based on nothing that I can pinpoint. We‘re told nothing about the main character and yet I still wanted to know what she‘d do next.
Historical fiction centered around a theater fire in 1811 Richmond VA, and four peoples decisions around that event. Not typically a historical fiction fan, but i enjoyed this. #botm
The bookmail gods have smiled on me today.. I SQUEALED when I saw the lauren groff - can‘t wait to dive into these!!