I wish you were still here, I accepted you for who you were.💔
I wish you were still here, I accepted you for who you were.💔
Beautifully written, a must read if your a poetry reader!!
1st book I've read, love his writing.
This book was a beautifully chaotic read!💜
R..H Sin is one of the best modern day poets. He speaks about love, heartache, healing and coping. Relationships are viewed today by both the man and women's perspective. Beautifully written. .
"Why did he do it to me? Dreams now about the abuse, no blocking anymore, can't ever be happy, life sucks. I feel so depressed and angry. I hate myself."
"Our lack of self-acceptance shows when we can't take compliments. When we feel bad about ourselves or unworthy, we tend to overcompensate. We may find ourselves covering for others or taking undesirable shifts for fear that we are somehow more expendable than others."
"You know, mother, you shouldn'ta got married with that man.
How could I reply? Tell her that if I hadn't, she wouldn't be here? What a terrible truth for her to one day realize. The price she paid for her existence."
"How often we succeed or fail is not the measure of our program. Our setbacks don't have the power to define us. Failure is experience, strength and hope in disguise."
"When we are honest, we begin to take responsibility for our part. Remorse can fuel a new willingness to change. Failure, just like success, has an important role to play in our lives, taking us places we would never choose to go."
Mothers & Daughters 👭 ...
A perfect book of poetry and prose. Of the highs and lows we go through while experiencing relationships in our generation. Being in love, getting your heartbroken and learning to heal. I liked this one better than the 2nd.👍
A great resource for toxic or exploitive relationships, trauma and fear. This book provides you with a ton of knowledge for understanding your emotions, your thinking pattern as well as understanding the victimizer's role. It also provides you with a ton of work sheets to do throughout each chapter to work on as you progress through the book or too work on with your therapist. 👍
"To owns ones shadow is the highest moral act of a human."
- Robert Johnson
Was very excited to read his book, with so many positive blessings happening I felt this poem was the most fitting as it's time to for new beginnings and better things. 💃
Flawless Imperfections
"We are all bits and pieces of flawless imperfections."
"This beautiful, fucked up man, whom I once thought of as my romantic hero- strong, solitary, myterious- possesses all these traits, but he's also fragile and alienated and full of self-loathing. My heart swells with joy but also in pain for his suffering."
New stack of poetry to add to my TBR list. 📚💙 Celebrating #Nationalpoetrymonth @barnesandnobles #langleav #aliciacook #robertmdrake
"I'm trying to quit getting high on people. It's really fucking hard. I'm a romantic and an addict." ?
Celebrating National Poetry Month 📚😍 @barnesandnoble #rhsin #langleav #madisenkuhn #tylerknottgregson
Another amazing poetry book, very quick read. Touches on every subject like family, heart break, finding love again, lose, eating disorders. There's not a poem a girl/woman could not relate too. This is from the back of the book but I must say thank you as well to my family, who has always encouraged me to keep moving forward even if it meant pushing me out of my comfort zone. 💜 #mustread #youngpoets #poetry #fireinmysoul
"The story of a princess turned damsel turned queen." ?
Betrayal: to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling. 🛇
"It's the small things, the constant day-to-day challenges of living life without the use of drugs, that seem to affect most addicts most strongly in recovery."
New stack of books inspired for #internationalwomensday ♀📚💕
"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.
Have you used one to say thank you?"
- William A. Ward
"We find the courage to follow our heart, to listen to the voice within, to create, to commit, to explore and to live. What we find is love, courage, a sense of connection and a sense of direction. We are all finally free to live in grace, integrity, and dignity."
R.H Sin writes beautiful poetry for our generation. He writes about love, the self image of women, heart break and healing. It's exactly the kind of book every women should read no matter where they are in life because you will be able to relate to his poetry on so many levels. 👏👏
There's nothing that makes me feel more alive or gives me more strength than reading poetry... the ink spilling from the pen fuels my fire to fight for myself; never give up on yourself no matter how broken you are. 📚💪😍
"Learning to step away from a conflict once it has started is sometimes harder than not getting into conflicts at all."
"This is what he does to me- takes my body and possesses it wholly so that I think of nothing but him. His magic is powerful, intoxicating. I'm a butterfly caught in his net, unable and unwilling to escape. I'm his... totally his."?