Guys, this one was surprisingly good. Especially seeing as how I only picked it up thanks to the intriguing title. Short and sweet - I definitely recommend it! ♥️
#SummersEndReadathon #24B4monday
Current time: 14hrs15min
Guys, this one was surprisingly good. Especially seeing as how I only picked it up thanks to the intriguing title. Short and sweet - I definitely recommend it! ♥️
#SummersEndReadathon #24B4monday
Current time: 14hrs15min
The title was too intriguing to pass up 😂 #next up for #SummersEndReadathon and #24B4Monday
Current time: 12hours10mins 💪🏻
It‘s ok, it felt like I was reading forever tho. Also, our heroine is really kind of annoying.
An ok read that took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to finish. Not horrible, not stellar.
It‘s not great literature but it‘s a quick, fun summer read that I enjoyed. The protagonist has a snarky sense of humor which I appreciated. It‘s loosely based on the author‘s own life.
It is a cute love story about a Swedish woman who falls in love with a homeless Canadian man in Vienna. There were some really funny parts but also parts that make you frustrated with both characters. Overall, I liked the book and liked seeing the transformation of Ben from drifter to a student with a future.
Välskrivet, underhållande, men ganska banalt.
Book surprises mailed to me at work today! The tagged book sounds cute but sorta strange, haha. The publisher also pitched the other title to the Young to Publishing Group (mostly under the age of 30) and was trying to get us to feel nostalgic about the year 1992. Most of us in this group were a few years old or not even born. Not the best marketing technique 😂😂. I'm excited nonetheless!
Stundvis underhållande men ganska trivial. Det finns bättre feelgood att hitta...