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London Fields
London Fields | Martin Amis
London Fields is Amis's murder story for the end of the millennium. The murderee is Nicola Six, a "black hole" of sex and self-loathing intent on orchestrating her own extinction. The murderer may be Keith Talent, a violent lowlife whose only passions are pornography and darts. Or is the killer the rich, honorable, and dimly romantic Guy Clinch?
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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A favorite author of mine, Martin Amis, passed away yesterday. I think he wrote the best novels with unlikable protagonists. It's kind of a lost art today, but what's great about Amis' novels is they're neither tales of condemnation nor winking approval of bad behavior. And definitely not redemption. But you get great insights into the characters, as unsavory as they may be, and all with a biting dark humor narrating their actions.

Ruthiella I‘ve never read any Martin Amis, but think I should at least read Time‘s Arrow…🤔 (edited) 13mo
vivastory I hadn't heard of his passing. I agree that it's a lost art. 13mo
Billypar @Ruthiella Between Time's Arrow, Money, and London Fields, I'm not sure which is my favorite, but Time's Arrow is the one I'd recommend trying first. It's great fun 🙂 13mo
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Billypar @vivastory It's probably about time for me to pick up another one of his. And I didn't realize how many nonfiction and story collections he's written. 13mo
batsy I've only read Money and The Rachel Papers, but you're so right. He has an unmistakable style & a kind of comic swagger to his prose that also seems increasingly rare now. I want to read London Fields and Information next and check out some of his essays. I'm ambivalent about him because of his politics in the later years, but as a novelist he's up there. 13mo
Liz_M 😭 13mo
Billypar @batsy 'Comic swagger' is such a perfect way to describe the voice that recurs in his novels. I am curious about his essays too - I've heard some quotes and snippets about his politics but haven't read much about his actual beliefs. I think The Information is next on my list of his novels. 13mo
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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Still waiting on the TBR shelf....!

BarbaraBB Mine too. I am not really looking forward to it even though I loved 5y
Cinfhen It sounds good!!!! 5y
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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BarbaraBB Have you read it? Is it good? It‘s on my tbr! 5y
Cinfhen I think I stacked this from a previous post of yours ❤️😊 5y
arlenefinnigan @BarbaraBB nah, it's my husband's. He says it's very good. 5y
BarbaraBB Men... I‘m not convinced 😉 5y
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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Cinfhen Sounds scandalous 5y
arlenefinnigan @Cinfhen Martin Amos usually is. I've never read any of his books, this is another one of Andy's. 5y
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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Life! Like the warm life in my arms. But then there can suddenly be too much of it, too much life, and different breathlessness, different danger...

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London Fields | Martin Amis
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My first Martin Amis novel holds a special place in my heart. Probably a love it or hate it pick, but I'd check it out if you're up for an unconventional dark comic take on, among other things, murder, sex, experimental narratives and....darts. All told from a self-professed "reliable narrator". #LondonCalling #RockinMay @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I'm intrigued! 7y
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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A familiar scene to all of us: the rearrangement. Just a section of books after the mini-flood. No book were damaged, but the bookcase took a month to dry out. Great Friday afternoon pastime, with a little wine and (not a book, but...) listening/watching the current season of Homeland.

TheLibrarian Glad the books were ok! 7y
quirkyreader Time to get a new bookshelf. 7y
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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#TBT 25 years ago when I was reading such good books I am jealous of myself!

JanuarieTimewalker13 This is great!!! 8y
DeeLew Awesome! 8y
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sprainedbrain This is so cool!! 8y
GuiltyFeat I wish I'd kept track of my reading back then. Lots of crossovers. Saint Maybe was the first Anne Tyler that I'd read as soon as it was published. I read London Fields right around then and I was deep into Ellen Gilchrist also. Love this, thanks for sharing. 8y
katedensen Love this!!! 8y
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London Fields | Martin Amis
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Here's a tiny stack of my all-time faves. These books have made my life better and more interesting. Here's hoping that I find a million more books for this pile! #Augustofpages #bookphotochallenge Day 9-faves

Hugoreads Great pile o' books! 8y
BookishTrish Beautiful stack -- thanks for sharing! 8y
Bookzombie Nice stack! I love The Book Thief. 8y
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GinaAnderson Every one of those is a winner. 8y
MrBook Nice stack and pic! 😊👍🏻 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Beautiful pic. 8y
LeahBergen Loved The Sisters Brothers. 8y
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London Fields | Martin Amis

And meanwhile time goes about its immemorial work of making everyone look and feel like shit.

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London Fields | Martin Amis
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For Recommendsday, I choose to tell you all to read this delightfully dark tale by Mr. Amis. It's a love story, it's a mystery, funny and twisted and brilliant.

KVanRead Ah! ❤️❤️❤️! Devoured this in college and then all his other books up to then. Haven't read his more recent stuff though —need to catch up. Gorgeous photo! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @KVanRead There are many good things for you to read, then! Oh, but he was so so beautiful! 8y
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KVanRead @CherylDeFranceschi Anything to recommend that came after Experience? 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @KVanRead I would say House of Meetings. It's incredible and beautiful and heartbreaking. It is not all the snark, though. 8y
KVanRead @CherylDeFranceschi Oh! Looks good. Added to stack :) 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @KVanRead Yay! I hope you love it. 🙂 8y
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