I‘m sad I had to bail on this one, it was good I just didn‘t have time to finish it before it was due back at the library and I have other books I would rather read than this one
I‘m sad I had to bail on this one, it was good I just didn‘t have time to finish it before it was due back at the library and I have other books I would rather read than this one
Definitely ready for the weekend and my chance to read more, this week with my internship and job has been crazy. Thankfully I had a cute friend at my site visit today
1. A scone with jam and cream (the Cornish way #JamFirst)
2. Pretty Woman
3. A good, wholesome Jackie Collins or Jilly Cooper!
4. A pot of Earl Grey and a scone at my favourite cafe!
5. I‘m on holiday, so this week is all about giving myself a break!
Shout-out to new followers @Viva @kimba7 @Readergrrl
Today my boyfriend and I went and walked around a really cool park with a, sadly closed, butterfly exhibit. I started the tagged book today as well and I can‘t wait to see where it goes with the storyline
Already halfway through..! It‘s so good!! Where has Jackie Collin been all my life?!
So it‘s not exactly high literature, but good for a chuckle and when you don‘t want to think (or feel like a really fast read). Pairs well with a gin and tonic!
Been a very long time since I read a Collin's book. And actually listening to this on tape (my absolute favorite new obsession). It's good for a chuckle - the pop culture references are very cliche. May have been a poor choice after Sandra Brown's Mean Streak. oh well....
Jackie Collins was so good at creating 'bitchy' characters, thought I'd go for another of her aptly named books 'Poor Little Biitch Girl' #rocktober #bitch The cover says it all!