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Saint of Wolves and Butchers
Saint of Wolves and Butchers | Alex Grecian
10 posts | 6 read | 13 to read
From the bestselling author of The Yard comes a chilling contemporary thriller about an enigmatic hunter on the trail of a Nazi who has secretly continued his devilish work here in America. Travis Roan and his dog, Bear, are hunters: They travel the world pursuing evildoers in order to bring them to justice. They have now come to Kansas on the trail of Rudolph Bormann, a Nazi doctor and concentration camp administrator who snuck into the U.S. under the name Rudy Goodman in the 1950s and has at last been identified. Travis quickly learns that Goodman has powerful friends who will go to any length to protect the Nazi; what he doesn't know is that Goodman has furtively continued his diabolical work, amassing a congregation of followers who believe he possesses Godlike powers. Caught between these men is Kansas State Trooper Skottie Foster, an African American woman and a good cop who must find a way to keep peace in her district--until she realizes the struggle between Roan and Bormann will put her and her family in grave peril.
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The book plays out like a solid movie thriller, and that's a good thing. Interesting story, some weak points here and there, but overall totally worth the read.

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A book that's pro dog and anti nazi? Was it written for me?


Picked this one up on a whim. The title caught my eye. It did not disappoint! The story moved quickly and I enjoyed getting caught up in the characters‘ lives. Plus, there was a dog.

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Alex Grecian weaves together a strong tale of past & present to bring historical fiction into a modern mystery. There are so many links in the chain of this plot: Nazi war crimes, missing children, a cult-like church under the control of a dangerous charlatan.
It all fit together for an exciting read and Grecian left an open ending to allow for new adventures with these characters eventually.
Full review at www.rootsandreads.wordpress.com

Cinfhen Sounds really intriguing 6y
kyraleseberg @Cinfhen Very! It was tough to put down because I wanted to know what was going to happen next. 6y
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This thriller about a Nazi who escapes to the US and continues his sadistic experiments on people is a pick with a caveat. Both past and present storylines are enjoyable and I really liked the 2 “heroes” of the book, and it gets dark in places, but not in great detail. The caveat is that there‘s a major about-face in one character about 2/3 in that just didn‘t work for me. Still, I enjoyed it and loved Bear the dog.

britt_brooke Nice review! 6y
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Anyone else remember this stuff?! My coworkers thought it was my birthday (...it‘s not 😂) so I am now the proud owner of a 24-pack of strawberry pop.

This is SUPER interesting so far—there‘s a Nazi who fled to the US and there‘s people trying to catch him and bring him to justice.

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I'm always amused when aspects of a book feel very appropriate to real life, even something as simple as the weather that you're experiencing that week.

Purrfectpages Omg weather in NJ has been ridiculous lately! 7y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Purrfectpages I have to dress in about 4 layers so I can undress as the weather hits 60 and cover back up as the snow starts falling later that night. 7y
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Purrfectpages So you've been in the thick of it just like me! Hopefully spring will pop up soon! 7y
Purrfectpages @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Yes! And at least it doesn‘t look like we are getting the possible snow that was predicted for today! 7y
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I'm a third of the way through Alex Grecian's new book. I like it, but I'm not loving it yet. I hope we're getting past the exposition and into the horrors the former Nazi Doctor has been performing in Kansas.

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Super excited to have won an ARC for Alex Grecian's new book! Thanks #FirstToRead #PenguinRandomHouse!

ErinGoBragh1011 I am dying to read this 7y
VelvetSpade @ErinGoBragh1011 me too! This is one of the more exciting arcs that I've won 😁 7y
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#GoodreadsGiveawayWin! This is a new series (or a standalone perhaps). Publishing in April from Putnam. Looks at a Nazi doctor who has hidden himself away in Kansas and the hunt to track him down. I have enjoyed Grecian‘s prior books so I am looking forward to this new work!

AlaMich This sounds intriguing (and maybe infuriating)... 7y
AmyG Ha! I just won the same book. Congrats! 7y
Booksnchill @AmyG hooray for us! @alaMich Nazis are just that!😁 (edited) 7y
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