Finished this a couple days ago. Thought it was ok but I don‘t think I‘m picking up the sequel. I‘ve already read spoilers for the next book and i don‘t think I‘ll like it too much.
Finished this a couple days ago. Thought it was ok but I don‘t think I‘m picking up the sequel. I‘ve already read spoilers for the next book and i don‘t think I‘ll like it too much.
My next read
When your niece sends you a picture from the author's acknowledgments that would have once been funny.
I decided to sick it out and finish Rule by Ellen Goodlett, and I'm glad I did. The book is very creative and original but for some reason it took me a long time to get into it. The ending was worth it though, and I'm planning on reading the sequel, Rise after I get my TBR pile to shrink a bit.
I've been working on this book for a while now. I'm almost halfway, but I just can't get lost in it despite how original and creative it is. Should I DNF or keep going?
This book was alright. Parts I liked and parts I definitely didn‘t like.
New Book Review is up! (LINK IN BIO)👀
#EllenGoodlet , #Rule
📖 Thank you to Little, Brown Bookd and Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review 📖
Extremely fast paced and drama filled! I was shocked by the secrets but the first half and left hanging by the ending. 😂
💚🐍This is also the second book done for my #HPOOTPHORCRUXATHON !
#book #bookreview #bookseries #bookworm #bookblogger
I have this one sitting on my shelf already.
September 11
#CoverLove #YAedition
Three Dark Crowns meets Pretty Little Liars in this sensational and striking new fantasy from debut author Ellen Goodlett.
Three girls. Three deadly secrets. Only one can wear the crown...
Magic, mystery, and blackmail abound in the first book of this sensational and striking fantasy.