This is a fascinating look inside the Trump administration. Very fun and very apt.
This is a fascinating look inside the Trump administration. Very fun and very apt.
“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” said Kip Brown, a former Trump Castle employee.5”
Excerpt From
Everything Trump Touches Dies
Rick Wilson
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“It‘s the thing I find most depressing about Trump. He‘s trained his docile followers to believe in an America that is weaker, sadder, and smaller than we really are. I remain optimistic about America, our rich talent and our amazing, messy, wonderful, ridiculous, crazy, passionate people. It‘s too bad a central tenet of Trumpism is to run down the people of this country, describe a nation so lost and weak it requires an authoritarian strongman.”
“The president isn‘t a conventional politician” translates as “We hope Donnie will channel his creativity, and stop setting fires and dissecting roadkill in the kitchen.”
Excerpt From
Everything Trump Touches Dies
Rick Wilson
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If you‘ve not read this, it‘s undoubtedly one of the best political books out now. Rick Wilson is a perfect wordsmith and captures it all. A republican insider, he‘s talking. I‘m about 1/2 way through, and so glad I picked it up. Lots of laugh out loud giggling is happening. Just what I needed. #24B4monday and all the other readathons this weekend,
“Historians will recognize Reince Priebus as the man who could have killed the Trump virus early. Instead, he incubated it. He kept feeding it nutrients when he should have been killing it with bleach and hot, cleansing fire.”
Excerpt From
Everything Trump Touches Dies
Rick Wilson
This material may be protected by copyright.
Just got this from the library and started it this week. Okay so far. I‘m not a fan of what he and his kind have done to politics and while I follow him on Twitter and enjoy his live QA/rant sessions when he is waiting in the CNN green room, Im hoping to see more introspection about the role he played in paving the road to Trump before the end of the book. #firstpost
So, this was a good (and kind of funny) book. This book is for anyone, left, right, center, who doesn't like Donald Trump.
So it's only the second day of the month and I'm already questioning two of my choices. I'm not in a great head space right now and I wonder if I should skip these two books and just stick to more comfort type reads.
I actually completed my October TBR so I thought I'd try a more ambitious list for November. I've got a week off and we're going on a cruise so hopefully I can accomplish this. Can you tell I have a couple themes?
I am by no means a Christian zealot (but I do believe in God and Jesus and I have my personal reasons for doing so) but I know people who are (family members! ) and this just made me so mad at them. I love them but, dang. On and on when I was growing up about all of the bad things and yet, Trump is good? Trust. Broken.
#24B4Monday Moving on...This is my first "Trump" book because I seriously just don't want to read anything about him. I liked the title. Seems interesting. We shall see.
@Kaye #showyourkindle
1. Should I be embarrassed that I own 2?
2. Both are kindle Fires
3. At least 5 times a week
4. Too many
5. No. I really should though.
6. I've never tried.
7. Yup. One pretty. One bland.
PS tagged book is one I recently downloaded and the title makes me laugh.
If you‘re a Trump fan, don‘t read this. If you‘re not a fan, you‘ll enjoy this. I recommend the audio because, Rick himself reads it, which enhances the experience. I laughed, I cried, I got pissed off.
Why not? Rick certainly has a way with words,especially as he pulls no punches when it comes to Trump.