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Pedro Paramo (Spanish Edition)
Pedro Paramo (Spanish Edition) | Juan Rulfo
Pedro P?ramo es una de las obras maestras de la literatura hispanoamericana. La novela cuenta c?mo el protagonista, Juan Preciado, va en busca de su padre, Pedro P?ramo, hasta el pueblo mexicano de Comala, un lugar vacio, misterioso, sin vida. All?, el joven descubrir? que toda la gente del pueblo se llama P?ramo, que muchos de ellos son sus propios hermanos, y que Pedro P?ramo est? muerto. Estamos, pues, ante una novela misteriosa y fant?stica cuya atm?sfera envuelve al lector y los transporta a un territorio m?gico de sorprendentes ramificaciones.
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No one knows better than I do how far heaven is, but I also know all the shortcuts. The secret is to die, when you want to, and not when He proposes. Or else to force Him to take you before your time.


This all began he thought- when Pedro Páramo, coming from such low beginnings, climbed his way to the top. He grew like a weed. The worst part is I made it all possible: "I confess Father that last night I slept with Pedro Páramo." "I confess Father that I had a son by Pedro Páramo." "That I gave my daughter to Pedro Páramo." I kept waiting for him to show up and confess something himself, but he never did.

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-They say his soul is wandering out and about. People have seen it knocking at some girl's window. Looked just like him. In leather chaps and all.

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Bookgroup tomorrow...

(Will I finish in time?)

Ruthiella Good luck! 👍 10mo
Liz_M You'll finish! It is a short and mesmerizing read. 10mo
Chelsea.Poole I always play that game of “will I finish in time” with my book club reads too, lol! 10mo
charl08 @Ruthiella @Liz_M @Chelsea.Poole with the extra fuel of a fancy drink I finished in time. 💪 10mo
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Pedro Paramo is the story of a man who, upon his mother's death and by her wish, goes to a town to find his father, Pedro Paramo. However, the town has no living inhabitants and is filled with the ghosts of the past. Pedro Paramo could be the antagonist, because he kept a mistress, mistreated and abandoned the man's mother, and exploited all the people of the town whose land he bought up. The man's mother told him to “make Pedro Paramo pay.“

TGgounden no cap really tough good read
Please love me
Svetislav @TGgounden ❤ ❤ ❤ 2y
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I haven't finished the book yet, but I made my #FoodAndLit #Mexico dinner to go with it tonight.
@Butterfinger @Texreader

Butterfinger I just ate and your picture has me hungry again. 3y
vonnie862 Mmm look delicious! I read Pedro Paramo years ago. I hope you like it 3y
Texreader Looks delish!! 3y
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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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This is my plan for #FoodAndLit #Mexico this month. @Butterfinger @Texreader

Texreader Whoohoo!! 3y
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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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There are so many themes packed into this compact little novel I know I will reread it one day. Haunting and mysterious, this is a classic of Mexican literature that lovers of magical realism will not want to miss.

5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

#mexicanliterature #magicalrealism #booksintranslation

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This magnificent book haunts without haunting description or spooky setting. At a rough guess, it‘s 75% dialogue, and yet it still evokes a ghostly atmosphere. (Okay, so there are actual ghosts. Still.) Most impressive is how it relays multiple complete narratives and interwoven complex characters in under 125 pages. I envy this book.

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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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And the rest of the splurge has some #1001books

arubabookwoman I loved Pedro Paramo so much I went back to the beginning and read it again immediately after I finished it. I had Locus Solus out of the library enjoying it, but not totally engrossed by it so I had to send it back to the library unfinished. I bought it for Kindle to finish but haven‘t gotten back to it. I read the Patrick White back around the time he won the Nobel, and remember loving it but nothing else. It‘s on my reread list. 5y
arubabookwoman I also really liked Barabbas. Some good reading ahead. 5y
Liz_M @arubabookwoman I was really intrigued by Ruflo's short stories and so I had to grab this! And the Barabbas is a replacement for an ugly, falling-apart 1962 paperback. 😀 (edited) 5y
Graywacke 😳 - those are my eyes trying to expand my reading time and speed, while looking at your NYRB pictures... I actually own and once started Tree of Man. Promise I‘ll try it again, more patiently. 5y
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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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The Arion Press edition is amazing (and is the OOP University of Texas Press edition). Check out the complete review on the blog.

Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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Shooting that sweet book porn for my upcoming review on The Whole Book Experience...👨🏽‍🎨📷

Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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Two wonderful editions: from the Arion Press and the University of Texas Press. Review up soon on The Whole Book Experience.

Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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Very excited for a re-read of this magical novel in the Arion Press edition for my blog, The Whole Book Experience!

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Currently reading 📗📗

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read this at least 3 times in a row to try to understand what was happening. extremely fascinating.

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Waiting for sunrise and for wholesale accounts to pick up their breakfast pastries so I can go home and sleep, but at least I brought a book today. Although I suppose I could be cleaning...😂

jveezer Maybe this could be our podcast test run? 6y
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You can DEFINITELY tell this is a precursor to magical realism. Wow.

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Welp, here we go! #readingtoteach

minkyb I actually remember reading this about 40 years ago! 😳 6y
hwheaties @minkyb it‘s definitely interesting so far!! 6y
minkyb 👍🏻 6y
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My Sunday afternoon read is a novella that‘s considered a masterpiece in the style of magical realism. It was influential to many Latin American writers, including Gabriel García Márquez. ❤️

I‘m just glad I didn‘t skip the forward by Susan Sontag or I wouldn‘t know what‘s going on! So far I‘d call it surreal...and haunting! ? #mexicanauthors

Ruthiella I always read the forward last for fear of spoilers! 😬 Glad it worked out in this case! 6y
rachelk @Ruthiella That‘s a good point - this forward might not be for everyone. Even though I like magical realism, I don‘t read it very often and tend to find it confusing without some explanation. 6y
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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden

Read this for IB in high school. References to Dante‘s inferno.

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One of my favourite books. Magical realism full of ghosts and beauty. #MexicanAuthors

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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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Pedro Páramo is one of the most well known pieces of literature in Spanish. I am finally getting to know this story in the 100th anniversary of Juan Rulfo's birth.

Faibka This is by far one of my favorite novels I hope you enjoy it! ☺️ 8y
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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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One of my most beloved novels #notinenglish. In my opinion, the best Mexican writer and one of the best in the world. Juan Rulfo only wrote two books: this novel and a collection of short stories called El Llano en Llamas (The Burning Plain). Both filled with beautifully haunting and evanescent worlds written with aesthetic perfection.

Faibka @Anna40 I hope you give this one a try at some point, it‘s a short read and so hauntingly beautiful. I‘ve seen it included in a a couple of lists of best novels worldwide and it‘s a Mexican classic for sure 7y
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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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I can definitely see why this is considered classic magical realism. I'll admit I was a tad confused at times, but I loved the descriptions of Mexico and the characters so much, I didn't care. Simply weird and wonderful.

Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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Supposedly the book that started the magical realism trend and supposedly a terrifying read but after 33 pages of a 124 page book I'm not scared!

Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden
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Found this at Unwritten Bookshop Cafe too. It's like a Mexican book fiesta on the shelves!

EKonrad @GeorginaBallantine Just finished this...but like your cover so much more than the one I read! 😊 8y
jveezer That cover is great!!! 7y
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Pedro Pramo | Juan Rulfo, Margaret Sayers Peden

Found this at Unwritten Bookshop Cafe too. It's like a Mexican book fiesta on the shelves!


A classic. Des sprinted by it, intrigued ... Still in my mind after so many years