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The Inn at Lake Devine
The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
12 posts | 15 read | 12 to read
It was not complicated, and, as my mother pointed out, not even personal: They had a hotel; they didn't want Jews; we were Jews...It's the early 1960s and Natalie Marx is stunned when her mother inquires about vacation accommodations in Vermont and receives a response that says, "The Inn at Lake Devine is a family-owned resort, which has been in continuous operation since 1922. Our guests who feel most comfortable here, and return year after year, are Gentiles." So begins Natalie's fixation with the Inn and the family who owns it. And when Natalie finagles an invitation to join a friend on vacation there, she sets herself upon a path that will inextricably link her adult life into this peculiar family and their once-restricted hotel. The Inn at Lake Devine will enchant readers with the beguiling voice, elegant charm, and deft storytelling that have been hallmarks of Elinor Lipman's previous novels and have made her beloved by her fans. Her characters sparkle on the page and delight us with their wit and grace--even when anti-Semitism rears its head in Vermont and the tables are turned in the Catskills. Elinor Lipman is the undisputed master of the art of screwball comedy. From the Hardcover edition.
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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June #bookspin

This was a cute read. A young Jewish girl and her family wish to vacation at The Inn at Lake Devine in Vermont in the 60‘s but the proprietor does not allow Jews. Young Natalie decides to take matters into her own hands and sneaks in with a friends family. This begins a lifelong obsession with seeking revenge on the Inn. Romantic entanglements ensue. Enjoyable and glad it‘s off my tbr shelf.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2w
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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June #bookspin pick. I used to read a lot of Eleanor Lipman titles but this one has been languishing on my tbr pile for years. Glad it was picked, hope to get it read!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4w
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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I was tagged! 😎

I‘m signing off the work computer and picking up my book that‘s due tomorrow. I was sorely tempted to run after the ice cream truck and buying something gooey and messy, but I restrained myself!

Ast_Arslan Thanks for playing 😊🌻 3y
Klou ❤❤❤ 3y
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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This was my #bookspin choice for April. I‘ve been trying to focus on languishing unfinished books for that. I started this one a couple years ago! Not sure why it took me so long to get back to it, since it turned out to be a fairly quick read. Anyway, this was an interesting book with mostly relatable characters, dealing with anti-semitism and other prejudices. I enjoyed seeing where the story went, even if some of the turns were predictable.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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I‘m #inundated with books this month, but is that a bad thing?

This still isn‘t all of them, but it‘s closer!


Eggs Looks like some interesting reads 👏🏻📚👏🏻 3y
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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#letstravelaugust #lakeside

This looks like a nice place to sit with a good book.

OriginalCyn620 It does! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️❤️ 5y
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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I almost felt like I was reading two different books with this one. I loved the first half of the book with its coming of age story and excellent character building. However the second half of the book seemed a little disjointed and slapdash to me. Lots of people loved this one though so maybe it‘s just me.

The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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I don‘t know. I didn‘t dislike the book, but I kept waiting for it to really take off but the plot never gets its momentum going. I guess I can say that I enjoyed a book about 20th century working class Jewish Americans with challenges and loves and drama and which didn‘t have an obligatory epic genocide thread as part of the storyline. A good summer read maybe.

The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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Just started this last night, so far it‘s a surprisingly sweet book, given its premise about anti-Semitic bigotry. The main family is so loving of one another but not sappy or schmalzy. ❤️👍

AJones Beautiful! 6y
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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My shelves seemed to have a lot of books with covers of #bodyofwater. I chose this one. I've always enjoyed a good Elinor Lipman book.

LeeRHarry Me too 😊 7y
LeslieO Me, three! 7y
mrp27 @LeeRHarry @LeslieO 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7y
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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Some #booksbythesea - some books on the sea, for #somethingforsept, @RealLifeReading

katedensen Love the seashells! 8y
RealLifeReading Great photo!! 8y
rubyslippersreads This is lovely! 8y
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[DELETED] 2232195534 Beautiful!! Such great seashells! 8y
Zelma Great titles. I ❤️ The Perfect Storm and Hotel du Lac. 8y
LeeRHarry Great selection!! 8y
ElizaTodd I love the set up! So pretty with the seashells 🐚 8y
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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My favorite ending of the books I have where I'm living today! Like I've said, Elinor Lipman is my soul author. 😃👍🏻 Also I'm sick, so my dog is much cuter than I am. 😉🐶

LinaLovesLit I hope you feel better soon! Your dog is adorable! 🤗 8y
Megabooks Thanks @Attila 😃 8y
SusanInTiburon Love all her work! And I love your dog -- those eyes! Get well soon. 8y
BestOfFates Feel better! 8y
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