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A morte em Veneza
A morte em Veneza | Thomas Mann
24 posts | 84 read | 34 to read
E entre palavras delicadas e graas espirituosas, Scrates ensinava a Fedro o desejo e a virtude. Falou-lhe do temor ardente que acomete o homem sensvel quando os seus olhos vislumbram uma semelhana do belo eterno - falou-lhe da avidez do homem mpio e vil, incapaz de pensar o belo ao ver a sua imagem, incapaz de venerao; falou do medo sagrado que invade o homem nobre quando contempla uma face divina, um corpo perfeito - como ento estremece e sai fora de si, mal ousando olhar, e como venera aquele que belo, sim, como se ofereceria em sacrifcio a este dolo, se no receasse parecer ridculo aos olhos dos homens.
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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This was a very long short book! Overly descriptive and had an icky Lolita feel.

Death in Venice | Thomas Mann

“for art was a war, an exhausting struggle, it was hard these days to remain fit for it for long”

Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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Perhaps, hopefully, I will get to this book next year. 😁
Gustav von Aschenbach is a well known author in his fifties who is taking a vacation in Venice. At the hotel, he saw a beautiful adolescent boy, and is drawn to (obsessed with) him.
#MOvember #beautifulstranger

Cinfhen Sounds creepy ( in a good way) love the graphics 5y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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(Day 4 - #YoungAndBeautiful)

*Professor Gustav von Aschenbach goes to Venice for a respite, hoping to break his writer‘s block. After several seemingly random events (auguries, each of them), the professor espies a young 14-year-old boy in a sailor suit who is vacationing with his family. He becomes obsessed with the boy and largely ignores the the burgeoning climate of illness—to his detriment—for he dies of cholera on the beach.

Cinfhen Sounds super depressing 🥺gorgeous collage (edited) 5y
batsy Good pick! I loved it. 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen It is depressing! Dark & philosophical, but I loved it, too, like @batsy ... At least it‘s not too long—it‘s a novella! 😂 Oh, and thanks for the compliment! 🥰 (edited) 5y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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Cathythoughts Beautiful post 💫 6y
vkois88 Gorgeous 6y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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Bam! #12in2 completed!

I finished Neverwhere, read a little Language Hoax, and started Death in Venice for a book club. PLUS we made solid progress in Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH for the #readingstreak

Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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4 ⭐

📸 taken on holiday in Venice last year.

8 hours and 32 minutes of #12intwo completed @Samplergal

Samplergal Excellent!! 6y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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It turns out that my next #12intwo book works well for #summernightcity! #abbainaugust @Cinfhen @Meredith3 @emilyhaldi @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola

@Samplergal I hope you don't mind but the hours I'm giving you are rough rounded up estimates - I can't use the timer app and kindle app simultaneously on my phone!

emilyhaldi Good luck with the readathon! This sounds like a deep little novella 🧐 6y
Reviewsbylola I remember reading this one for a college course. 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻❣️ 6y
Mdargusch Nice! 👍🏼 6y
Meredith3 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann

A masterpiece! I had to slow down to read it, the sentences are convoluted and the words chosen carefully. Language here is like a work of art! I loved how the changes in the city and the demise of the main character, Aschenbach, go hand in hand. The infatuation with Tadzio was fascinating and disgusting. What a book, what a way to end 2017!

Anna40 @Izai.Amorim Have you finished Buddenbrooks? Is it "as good as" Death in Venice? Happy New Year! 7y
Izai.Amorim @Anna40 Happy New Year! I read the Buddenbrooks twice in the last couple of years. I liked it better the second time. It‘s very long compared to Death in Venice. Very well written but complete apolitical. It‘s been decades since I read Death in Venice so I can‘t remember much, can‘t compare. 7y
Anna40 @Izai.Amorim it's probably hard to compare. What did you think of his writing style? I really had to slow down reading when I started Death in Venice because of the complexity of the language. 7y
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Izai.Amorim @Anna40 He‘s a master, his descriptions are superb, like a camera moving slowly, revealing things. Every detail is important. No redundancies. What I miss is the background information, the setting of the story in the real world, it‘s as if real life didn‘t matter to him. He lived through exciting times historically and politically but you don‘t get much in his books, at least not in the ones I read. 7y
Anna40 @Izai.Amorim the descriptions in Death in Venice were something that I noticed too they were brilliant, in particular of Tadzio's movements, gestures or postures since their interaction was limited to Aschenbach following or watching him. That was brilliantly done! 7y
Faibka What a great review, now I feel I want to read this book! 6y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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#acityinthetitle and a beautiful city at that


LeahBergen The Rialto. 😍 7y
RealLifeReading 😍😍 7y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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Right now my whole bookshelf is #bookombre, because I am a heathen. #autumnreads

Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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#KindleTBR #awesomeautumnbooks @jess7. Slightly ambitious as I have a #PhysicalTBR as well, but I am going on holiday for a few days so it should be achievable.

ChloeTallis A Little Life = 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 😊 happy reading! 7y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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I have just read this classic for the first time. Despite the fact that it is a short book, this is a demanding read that I will definitely revisit.

It is a book about beauty, art and sacrifice rather than carnal love.

The picture is from the classic film.

batsy I loved this and want to reread it at some point, too. 7y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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Reading it for the 3rd time. As brilliant as ever.

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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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The story started off slow (You kind of have to will yourself through the first three chapters), but then it really gripped me. The infatuation of the protagonist basically lead him into his destruction willingly... I thought it was an interesting plot and I also liked how Venice had a lead role in it too. The narrator of the audiobook (German Version) was pretty miserable, but it's a short book, so it was alright.

Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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A struggle at first, but more intriguing by the page. This is the story of Gustav von Aschenbach, who travels to the Lido in Venice. His admiration for a young, beautiful boy, who is staying there as well, becomes obsessive and ultimately, destroys him. So sad. #1001books Picture: Venice

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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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This short novella is alternatingly brilliant, poetic genius of deep emotions, and pretentious nonsense. I was bored at first but slowly became fascinated with the growing sense of emotional turmoil, loneliness and approaching doom. While Mann was philosophizing over the erotic nature of artistic inspiration, I was increasingly creeped out by Aschenbach's object of desire and where all this was going. ⭐⭐⭐/5

kammartinez Oh man, I remember reading this when I was in uni and feeling much the same. The musings on art and beauty were interesting, but the choice of focus of that interest was WAY creepy :(. 7y
Eugeniavb Yes, very unsettling , but it's sooo well written. Mann was an amazing writer. For a whole different uncreepy subject and still his superb writing try 7y
Gezemice @Eugeniavb Indeed, the writing is brilliant, albeit often opaque. There is a tortured existantial crisis and loneliness, beautifully crafted sentences. I should take a look at his other books. Thanks for the recommendation! 7y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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I am awed by this sentence, its brilliant language virtuosity. I think it is pretentious and I have no idea what it means - but I am very impressed. A bit like Picasso? 🤔

JSW 😂 I have no patience for this kind of writing. Or Picasso for that matter. 7y
Gezemice @JSW Luckily it is only this paragraph - the rest is quite readable. (edited) 7y
beagle.mama Oh lord, that's awful. Sensually disadvantaged ugliness? What the what? 7y
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Laalaleighh I get it in context of the whole paragraph. And it's pretty beautiful. 7y
Gezemice @Laalaleighh It is. I am both fascinated and befuddled. 7y
Laalaleighh @gezemice I kind of want to try* and read this now 7y
Gezemice @Laalaleighh You should! There are online versions for free, but I ended up getting the Kindle version for 99 cents. 7y
Laalaleighh I'll have to look into that! 7y
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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann

Solitude gives birth to the original in us, to beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry. But also, it gives birth to the opposite: to the perverse, the illicit, the absurd.

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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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#funfriday flashback to Venice, my favourite bookshop and my pre-trip research read ❤️ #travel lreading

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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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Ever read a book with certain expectations and it turns out to be something completely different?...well, Thomas Mann's "Death in Venice" did exactly that. I wanted one thing, instead I got a complex analysis of death, love, beauty, and decay. Need to re-read this in the right mood and mindset.

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Death in Venice | Thomas Mann
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Suggested to me by someone I later found out never read it, this is the story of an older man restraining his love for a young boy. Well written, emotional & philosophically bent, this book focuses on divinity & restraint, but I prefer Lolita for the emotional complexity around forbidden love.