Amazon sale on this short story collection if there are any Lord Peter Wimsey fans out there!
Amazon sale on this short story collection if there are any Lord Peter Wimsey fans out there!
#BookMail Pt6 I‘m a big fan of Golden Age Crime, been reading Dame Agatha since I was 10, but I‘ve never read a Dorothy L Sayers novel before. Whilst rereading Phryne Fisher I noticed Kerry Greenwood is a fan, she has Phryne reading them in a few books, so I‘m taking her word for it.This isn‘t the 1st book but it‘s the 1st that‘s come so far. I‘m having a bad run with Booktopia.com.au having my order books in stock. Not that I‘m wanting for books.
My love for Peter Wimsey is well known, so the fact that I enjoyed this is no surprise. I think I‘d read all of these before in the individual complications. My only gripe is that the Wimsey Papers from her wartime writing weren‘t in here.
#12daysofchristmas #10LordsALeaping I don‘t know how much leaping he did but Lord Peter Wimsey considers his detective work a hobby.He had a large income being descended from a 12 century knight .Dorothy Sayers said she liked spending the fortune she created for him especially when she was a little strapped herself.It also gave Dorothy a way to add a little social satire of the British class system.Trying to figure out what ones I‘ve read.🤔
A shout out to book designers!Ms. Sayers wrote her books in the 1930s.These Perennial Library editions were printed in the 1980s,always thought they were attractive and reference a sweet deco 1930s style.I think they still look great today. I found the larger one in a thrift store recently.Both on the TBR .
"Always my unfortunate appearance," moaned Lord Peter, which such alarming acumen as to double her discomfort. "Would it invite confidence more, d'you suppose, if I dyed my hair black an' grew a Newgate fringe? It's very tryin', you can't think, always to look as if one's name was Algy."
#recommendsWednesday I couldn't find this book in the data base but I want to recommend Lord Peter to all the Agatha Christie fans. As a kid I read lots of mystery stories and books and I particularly liked the older English type 📚
"Nobody minds coarseness but one must draw the linear cruelty."