Checking off another challenge prompt for #NoShameReadathon23
The Walking Dead is full of disabled heroes - but if Rick Grimes isn't a disabled superhero, I don't know who is. Done!
Checking off another challenge prompt for #NoShameReadathon23
The Walking Dead is full of disabled heroes - but if Rick Grimes isn't a disabled superhero, I don't know who is. Done!
It's very satisfying to slide that last book cover into place. I am DONE! This is such a fun challenge.
#Pantone2023 @clwojick
Not the easiest #Pantone2023 colour to match - most grays and lilacs were not really close at all. But I think I got there in this patch of sky.
And now I'm on to the very last Walking Dead volume!
Yet again Rick and his group find themselves in a conflict. There were several moments in this volume I didn't see coming at all. Great climax, especially when the last volume was not as strong, but this one puts the series on track for a strong finish.
#TeamHarkness #Scarathlon2020 @StayCurious
Even though the tv show crashed and burned with a horrible creative decision, glad the graphic novels are still thriving. Love how kirkman still keeps it fresh!
I tend to forget what's going on in these from one issue to the next. This one was pretty good. It's a bit repetitive at this point. But I'm still enjoying the series. I didn't watch the last 4 or 5 episodes from this last season, so I guess I should catch up on the show now.
These are starting to feel a little repetitive. But they are still better than the show. Not the best volume, but a good build up to something coming.
This is between a pick and so-so for me. I like that it‘s not a zombie fest anymore, because imo after 31 volumes that gets kinda old. Still, not much interesting happened until the end, but I‘m hoping the next volume will be better. I need to catch up on the show! 3.5⭐️
I haven‘t been finishing anything lately, so I went for any easy victory. Not my favorite arc thus far, but I see potential to set up something good, so I‘ll keep trudging.
Another volume in the continuing saga.....
Recovering from one crazy “other” group, just to meet a new one, crazy in a totally different way...🙄
You would think I‘d get tired of the us vs them in every permutation Kirkman can think up, but I still find myself reading these from cover to cover to find out what happens next.
Disappointed Amazon couldn‘t make release day delivery happen, but I‘m excited to dive into this one tonight. The graphic novels are so much better than the show.