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The Ink Master's Silence
The Ink Master's Silence: Book 6 of the Glass and Steele series | C.J. Archer
9 posts | 6 read
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Book #6 in the Glass & Steele series. Things take quite a turn, or two, in this one. I like where the storyline is headed.

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Another murder, another investigation, another mystery solved. The murder was a bit removed from the main characters‘ story so the action was more subdued. A major plot line was resolved and it felt like a decent ending to the series. Fortunately there are 7 more books so it‘s not over but it is a good time for a break. #serieslove2023

TheSpineView Great job!🌞👍📚 9mo
Andrew65 Excellent, I love a good series. 👏👏👏 9mo
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These audiobooks are so addictive. This one is up next! #serieslove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Enjoy! 9mo
Andrew65 Tempting me to the series! 9mo
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I'm overall enjoying the series but that's the only reason why this was a pick and not a so-so. They were so uninvolved with the mystery that it was a little frustrating at times. I'm glad another subplot had a resolution finally though. I need a break from this series though. #audiobook #scribd #fantasy

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Although I only gave it 3 stars out of 5, it's still a pick.

The mystery is not as mysterious, but I enjoyed the characters and their relationships.

GingerAntics I still have the first book of this series to read. I‘m really hoping I enjoy this series as much as you did. 5y
julesG @GingerAntics It's a light, cozy series. Don't expect too difficult or dark mysteries. It's more, the mysteries support the character development. I'm starting book 7 tonight. 5y
GingerAntics That sounds nice, actually. I‘m reading so much stuff right now that requires intense thinking, I may need it as a nice little break. 😝 Why did I start three books in two days, and why are all of them mentally and/or intellectually challenging? 5y
julesG @GingerAntics Gah! I do that too. Just that I hardly ever read something challenging. 5y
GingerAntics I‘ve been trying to be more balanced this year. Take on intellectual challenges and enjoy good books in equal measure, but it seems I do them in bursts of one or the other. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
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Finishing up this #audiobook in the early morning sunshine.

Today I'm grateful for

🎈 Large coffee mugs
🎈 Sunshine
🎈 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep

#grateful21 @Eggs

Meeko93 Wonderful mug! 5y
Schnoebs A very majestic cat lol 5y
Eggs Great collage 💗🌷💗 5y
Moony Oh so wonderful pictures! 5y
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Two footwarmers this morning. That was nearly 5 hours ago already. I'm tired again already.

Anyway, stats for #24B4Monday - roughly 12 hours. I was hoping for more, but swimming pool, board games and spending time with my children got in the way. 😁

@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Stats for March: 20 books including 6 books from #MountTBR, a few ARCs and 2 DNF.

tpixie Great accompaniment! 🥳📚🥳 5y
wordzie 🙌👍 5y
BeansPage That's awesome sweetie you made it over halfway! Congratulations!!! 🙌💕🎉🎉 5y
Andrew65 Well done on your March totals and the time you got to in #24B4Monday. Brilliant. 👏👏👏👏 5y
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Stats so far, about 7 hours. Just because I got up early didn't mean I got to read a lot. My kids and cats interfered.

Maybe I can make a sent now.

#24B4Monday @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Dragon 😻 5y
Andrew65 Well done! 🙌🙌🙌 5y
alisiakae Cute kitty. 😻 5y
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You can't read all day if you don't start early. #ShadowCat is a great help. He woke me an hour ago.

Friday was very good. Managed to read for about 5 hours. #24B4Monday @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Tackling book 6 in the Steele and Glass series. I'm sure I'll finish this and book 7 this weekend.

Moony Ich habe meinen Kater ignoriert als er mich um 5 Uhr wecken wollte. Muss jetzt eh raus und zur Arbeit. 😑 5y
julesG @Moony ich wünsche dir einen erfolgreichen Tag. Mein Kater ist leider ein Krachmacher. Der wird bei Dämmerung aktiv, gezähmter Wildfang. Der springt dann auf alles, von allem und wirft alles mögliche runter; vorhin einen metallenen Blumenkasten, samt Inhalt, versteht sich. 😭 5y
Andrew65 That is an early start. Great commitment 👍 5y
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