Look at that face! 😮 Totally mesmerized by Scott Magoon‘s meditative whale book.
I think this may have been the moment in which he learned that puffins are NOT the same thing as penguins. 🤯
Look at that face! 😮 Totally mesmerized by Scott Magoon‘s meditative whale book.
I think this may have been the moment in which he learned that puffins are NOT the same thing as penguins. 🤯
Such a colorful story! This is a fantastic RF book perfect for young readers. Follow belugas as we watch them venture through their days in this cute picture book.
I would use this book for a DR to get everyone up and moving while having them act out the words in the story. This would vary the methods for response and navigation by giving them a physical response and build fluency by acting out the words (4.1)UDL.
#AnglophileApril Day 20: This book is a glorious reminder of #EveryBreathYouTake. Told in sparse text, this book provides illumination of the beauty found underwater, and reminds us that every breath is something to be grateful for. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-cqw