Vote time! I've gone for a spooky theme for October. As always, tag me in your reviews and comments. Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list.
Vote time! I've gone for a spooky theme for October. As always, tag me in your reviews and comments. Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list.
I changed my mind on how I wanted to do #bookspin in October. I'm going to do 2 lists, one for audios and one for print (paper and ebooks).
If you're curious about the notations...
H=on hold (hopefully will get to me in time)
L=libby (already borrowed, hopefully won't run out of time)
It helps me remember where my books are.
This month I read 31 books (including 13 picture books, some of which were absolutely wonderful) and 5635 pages! And even better - I had no DNFs for a change. One of my best reading months this year. Also, I just filled up my reading journal that I started in April 2018. It‘s the first time I‘ve ever successfully kept a reading log for more than a couple months, and it‘s mostly due to Litsy!