My Spring Break book haul from a few weeks ago 🤩 I gotta catch up on my reviews so I can add all the books I've started. Tagged Pluto Files as the only book I've already read.
My Spring Break book haul from a few weeks ago 🤩 I gotta catch up on my reviews so I can add all the books I've started. Tagged Pluto Files as the only book I've already read.
I loved Astrophysics for People in a Hurry so much I thought I would give some more Tyson books a try.
I only found a couple of books with planet in the title. #JuneBookBugs #APlanetInTheTitle
Decided I need some real science with no "alternative facts."
Wow, people are strangely sentimental on the subject of Pluto and its planet-hood! This is more of a fun read than an informative one, but as always, Tyson's humor and passion make for interesting reading.
The Pluto Files is a look at the relationship between Pluto and people, from it's discovery to it's demotion from planet hood. We get a full social history of it, but since this came out years before New Horizon it doesn't offer a lot in the way of facts on Pluto itself (because we didn't have a ton then). I think Tyson does a great job at showing how Pluto became personal and just how the fight over planet definition was waged. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I love how even when Bill is talking to Neil he's still teaching. 😂 On the next page he goes over the proper usage for Latin words.
Spending some time with this book today! It did come out quite a long time before New Horizon made it to Pluto but it's a fun read going over it's history and public opinion.
For a cold weather setting look to Pluto, where temperatures can vary between -200F & -400F. Even Mark Watney wouldn't be able to make it there alone! #FunFridayPhoto
In The Pluto Files, Neil deGrasse Tyson has written a fun, brief, but informative account of Pluto's journey from planet to dwarf planet. If ever there was an author to make outer space interesting and easy to understand, it is Neil deGrasse Tyson! Great book for all ages!