This book was a plot twist and a half... made for an interesting and fast read. Character developments were good: sucked you in and made me feel empathy and disgust in one swoop. Geez, I hope these people don't actually exist. 😓
This book was a plot twist and a half... made for an interesting and fast read. Character developments were good: sucked you in and made me feel empathy and disgust in one swoop. Geez, I hope these people don't actually exist. 😓
This book was nothing like I thought it would be and once I figured out what was really happening I was totally disgusted. Unrealistic plot (I would hope there are not really people in the world like these), unlikable characters and predictable ending.
Oooooh! I got both of my Secret Santa packages today! #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange #secretsanta I am going to be shipping mine out this week!
Okay, no library books are checked out at the moment, no holds coming up in the immediate future - time to get back to my neglected NetGalley books! I really need to get my feedback ratio up so that I get approved for more books! Starting with the shortest 5 to start banging them out.
Finally muddled through this one. Severe plot twist midway that gave me hope until the author settled back into repetitive predictability. Ending was obvious and there was too much of an effort to explain away the holes in the plot.
I think every author who uses the words pixie and girl in the same sentence should be exiled to Mars.
A day of conference calls, but I am hoping to sneak in a run before the rain starts. Looking forward to reading this short novel today. This is my #dorkie, Jack. 🐕😍
A quick and dirty indictment of our cultural greed, narcissism and fascination with other people's grief. I see where the author was going, I'm just sorry I went with her. Any and all suggestions for a palate cleanser welcome.