This book was an eye-opening read which laid out a framework for how to think about the origins of addiction, as well as describing a humane approach to people suffering from addiction. Highly recommend this title.
This book was an eye-opening read which laid out a framework for how to think about the origins of addiction, as well as describing a humane approach to people suffering from addiction. Highly recommend this title.
I am looking forward to reading both of these. I have become much more open and OK with talking about my mental health. But there is so much more for me to learn.
Read this hybrid paperback/audiobook in the car. A dense wealth of knowledge to enlighten myself in a life filled with addicts. Building empathy, compassion, understanding and kindness toward family and others.
I opened this book to start today and found another surprise autograph in a used book. I feel like this has happened unusually often for me. I had to google to see if it actually was Gabor Maté‘s and it looks to be. Best wishes, y‘all!
#rehab is a tough topic for me. I work primarily with children and am frustrated by the limited understanding of addiction, its relationship to trauma and that by supporting children and families we can decrease the epidemic our country is facing. #anglophileapril
That title tho.
In an ecological framework recovery from addiction does not mean a "cure" for a disease but the creation of new resources, internal and external, that can support different, healthy ways of satisfying one's genuine needs. It also involves developing new brain circuits that can facilitate more adaptive responses and behaviours.
#workplacebooks #somethingforsept This is one of my work bookshelves in my home office. I'm a psychotherapist. It's been fun seeing everyone else's workplace books today! @RealLifeReading
This is an excellent book, firmly moving the reader to an understanding of the continuum of addiction.