I am struggling with this book. So far, I don't like the characters or slow pace of the action. I am actually tempted to bail. Are the other stories any better than The Awakening?
After coaching students to give and receive feedback on their essays about The Awakening, I'm now checking their multiple choice practice tests... with the help of a little coffee gift from @gibblr 💜👍🏼 #teachersofLitsy
A woman who goes against society's expectations of her in the 1900's? I can see why this book made quite a few people angry. Post-It drawing from a favorite scene as usual.
This, my fellow readers, is what we call a Dick Move. If someone did this to me they would be finding the spine of the book smacking them in the nose.
Day 3 of Lung Plague 2017. Still stuck at home. Loki is doing her best as my kitty nurse while I continue reading this controversial novel. I have my regular two days off soon so hopefully I'll be cured by Saturday when I return to work.
I'm stuck home with whatever lung plague is going around work, but at least I can read in peace today. Also I get to snuggle with this happy girl. #catsoflitsy
My #litsyatoz so far:
B: Bitch Planet
F: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
S: The Stranger by Albert Camus (okay I finished it an hour before 2017 but I'm counting it.)
And right now I'm working on The Awakening and Selected Short Fiction for A.
Kind of hard to do when customers call in making me have to do my job. 💻 At least said job helps me buy more books to be distracted from.
There was a moment of panic when I realized I would finish Fangirl at work with no other book to read after. Then my husband came through and brought me this. I love that man.