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The Three Evangelists
The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
21 posts | 20 read | 1 reading | 7 to read
The opera singer Sophia Simonidis wakes up one morning to discover that a tree has appeared overnight in the garden of her Paris house. Intrigued and unnerved, she turns to her neighbours: Vandoosler, an ex-cop, and three impecunious historians, Mathias, Marc and Lucien - the three evangelists. They agree to dig around the tree and see if something has been buried there. They find nothing but soil. A few weeks later, Sophia disappears and her body is found burned to ashes in a car. Who killed the opera singer? Her husband, her ex-lover, her best friend, her niece? They all seem to have a motive. Vandoosler and the three evangelists set out to find the truth.
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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I feel like there is a whole layer of witty humour to this book that I am missing because I'm not French. I didn't mind it that, I prefer a book to go over my head than speak down to me. The other thing is that it is heading into vintage territory. Apart from that it is a very engaging, slightly surreal and satisfying mystery. A good option to try for people who might be a little bored with US/UK/Scandi crime novels.

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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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It took me ages to finish this. So it‘s my (late) #ontbrforever prompt for the #ReadWithMrBook challenge. I liked it while it started but then it got a bit bulky. Also there‘s a lot of conversations.

Debout les morts | Fred Vargas
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What to do while the library is closed?

Listen to Vargas‘ really good adaptation of her first book in the Three Evangelists series.
If you understand French it is a wonderful podcast adaptation. Each episode are less then 30 minutes.
The access is free at France Culture.


The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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I really enjoyed this mystery! It had quirky, likable characters, descriptive writing, and I didn‘t figure out the #whodunit! Also, it was just so different from a lot of mysteries I‘ve read. Fantastic!
#WhoDunItByMail @ReadingEnvy This is headed your way today!

dariazeoli Hoping to make it to the post office after work tomorrow to get the next one off to you! 6y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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Got this in the mail last week. Sorry for not letting you know @dariazeoli ! #whodunitbymail

catsuit_mango That's one of my favourite Fred Vargas. I did not know it was translated :) 6y
BookishBelle Good to know @catsuit_mango ! I didn‘t know it was translated either. Lol 😂 6y
kspenmoll I really enjoyed this! 6y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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I really enjoyed my latest #whodunitbymail read! I even remembered to pull the right bookmark out of my stash to read with this time.

@BookishBelle this one is in the mail as of this morning!

BookishBelle Awesome! Thanks!! 6y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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Multitasking 🐾🎾📖 in a moment of sunshine. Just started my latest #whodunitbymail selection. I think we mail again in a few days, so back to reading!! 😜

Louise As long as you keep throwing that tennis ball every paragraph or so! 🐾💕 6y
leslieseidel @Louise Ha Ha that's right! 6y
Bklover Hi Leslie!!! Just got the #whodunitbymail package. Thank you so much for the lovely bookmark, I have never seen one like that! I love it!! ❤️💙❤️ 6y
leslieseidel @Bklover you are so welcome!! ☺️ Glad that you like it! 6y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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It‘s on its way to you, @AndreaReads

This started out a little slow but picked up as it went along. I especially liked the guys in the “disgrace” and their cranky interactions with each other. Historians as investigators? Brilliant!

There are several references to food. (It is Paris, after all.) Nobody eats #pears 🍐but apples🍎 are mentioned.


AndreaReads Awesome! Thank you! 7y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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I‘m settled in for some #Olympics and #whodunitbymail tonight. Thanks @PatriciaU for getting this to me!

The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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Started this #whodunitbymail book this afternoon. Shouldn‘t have covered up with the cozy blanket though, turned into a little nap. #worthit

The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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#whodunitbymail all packed up for Post Office tomorrow.

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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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@Anovelobsession I'm sending you this book soon with all my arrows and sarcasm sion‼️😂😂 #whodunitbymail

monkeygirlsmama Vandoosler I can manage 5x fast; the other, not so much. Ha! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @monkeygirlsmama lmao! I tried. Can't do either 😂😂😂😝 7y
Marmie7 😂 those names! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @Marmie7 haha! Right! I total mumble through them 7y
Marmie7 @JoeStalksBeck I received this book back today. I believe you sent it to the wrong person😏 I'll send it along to @Anovelobsession tomorrow! 7y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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@Read4life got my package ‼️ thank you so much for the goodies! ❤️❤️❤️#whodunitbymail @Tiffy_Reads

catsuit_mango I really like Fred Vargas and the 3 evangelists :) 7y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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JoeStalksBeck Yay!!!!👏👏👏👏❤️‼️ 7y
BibliophileMomma 🦉 stickers!! 💖💖💖 7y
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Debout les morts | Fred Vargas
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Car is now repaired with minimal money needed. My diner same as last night. With added Grenoble nuts. #readingandeating

MrBook 😎👌🏻 7y
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Debout les morts | Fred Vargas
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Stuck for the afternoon at the garage. The censors in the new wheels I had put in 2 months ago are not talking to the main brain of the Jeep computer. Hence little lights are flashing being annoying. Also I keep hearing Sheldon saying your check engin light is on. Best place to read, not really but there's wifi and comfy chairs. #readinginoddplaces

rubyslippersreads And I hear Penny telling you to put a sticker over it. 😂 7y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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Can't wait to dive into the first mystery for our #whodunitbymail group. Thank you @Read4life Zebra pens are the best!

Read4life Glad it got to you. Enjoy! 7y
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Debout les morts | Fred Vargas
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I anticipate to read mostly in French this month. I have an old Vargas a newish Vargas to get to. I'm starting on Marinina's Russian thrillers series and there is a Maigret waiting too. #jubilantjuly #julymostanticipated

tournevis 👍 7y
Lcsmcat ❤️ Maigret! 7y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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Larguei...muito parado

verovsky Tb não fiquei fã desta autora :( 7y
AMiudaGeek Não achaste que o livro falava por códigos que supostamente nós estariamos familiarizados? 7y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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@Marmie7 #whodunitbymail book, journal and a little something extra 🙂are headed your way. Should be there Saturday.

AKinderman This is really cool 7y
readingatdawn (I love that nail color!) 7y
Marmie7 Yay! Pretty nails😀 7y
BibliophileMomma Love your nails! 7y
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The Three Evangelists | Fred Vargas
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Here's my book and journal for our #whodunitbymail mystery book club. I chose this journal because the book takes place in France.
It was a gift from @JulietteGF for our #summersantagoespostal book exchange.
I'll be mailing it out in a few days to @Marmie7

Marmie7 Love it! So excited to start this😀 7y
kspenmoll Journal is lovely! Went to Paris for my honeymoon- would live to get back ...someday! Excited to start this. Now to get my journal... (edited) 7y
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