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Stonecutter | Camilla Läckberg
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The remote resort town of Fjallbacka has seen its share of tragedy, though perhaps none worse than that of the little girl found in a fisherman s net. But this was no accidental drowning . . .Local detective Patrik Hedstrom has just become a father. It s his grim task to discover who could be behind the murder of a child both he and his partner Erica knew well. What he does not know is how this case will reach into the dark heart of Fjallbacka, spanning generations, ripping aside its idyllic facade, perhaps forever."
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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I am posting a book every day from my TBR collection.

Day 17

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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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6th book finished during #NutsinMay Readathon.
This was a very big book, but I really enjoyed the story. Loved the way past events were linked to the modern day murder of a child. Worked out who the culprit was before the end but this didn‘t spoil the enjoyment of the book at all. Like the central characters and plotting in this series, and look forward to continuing the series. I still would like more of Erika in this series, like the first book.

EadieB @Andrew65 Great review! 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Thanks 😊 4y
Crazeedi Great job Andrew! 4y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Thanks 😊 4y
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Started reading The Stonecutter during the #NutsInMayReadathon.

EadieB @Andrew65 I like her books the best. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB I‘d agree, by a long way. Still longer than they need to be but more of a normal reading style we‘re used to. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 I agree they don‘t need to be as long as they are! 4y
Tove_Reads She is 4+ for me now. Kepler has it in all grittiness past her. @Eadie 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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#TheStoneCutter #CamillaLackberg

Fjallbacka Sweden A little girl is found in a fisherman‘s net. The drowning is found to be murder. The mother is a personal friend of Erica who lives with Patrik Hedstrom, a local police officer. Another interesting book by Lackberg. Only complaint is that book is too long. Characters and plot are unique. Suspects are many and hard to flesh out. A surprise ending has me looking forward to next book. Recommended!

Andrew65 Good review, and overall great to hear. 4y
Crazeedi Can't wait to read! 4y
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Many unlikeable characters: narcissistic, petulant, selfish, and abusive people. It makes me wonder if this town is truly inhabited by these cretins. Where are the therapists?

I'm very glad that ADHD and the autism spectrum had some of the limelight. Kudos to Lachberg in shining a light on the socially-clumsy ones.

The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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AnneCecilie I liked the book and it was more action packed than the previous two. I just hope that the Erica we got to know in the first book will be back soon. 4y
Butterfinger So many unlikeable characters. I'm glad Patric continues having integrity when he deals with the narcissistic fools. 4y
EadieB I like Lackberg's books but they are still a bit too long for my liking but definitely better than Jussi Alser-Olsen's books. 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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AnneCecilie I‘m not a huge fan of Läckberg‘s time jumps, even if we could see the beginning of Martin‘s relationship in the last book. I don‘t think anyone knew about Mellberg‘s son. 4y
Butterfinger It doesn't phase me. We still see the characters' natures. I'm like @AnneCecilie I hope Erica starts to feel better with being a mother. 4y
EadieB Lackberg starts these plots but will elaborate them in future books, I suppose. 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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AnneCecilie I don‘t know. I hope she doesn‘t have to do time in prison. I also hope her kids will be OK (edited) 4y
Butterfinger I'm glad she finally took a stand and documented the abuse. Surely, the investigation will show self- defense. 4y
EadieB I guess the next book will deal with Anna's story and murder of her husband. Used sort of like a cliffhanger to make you want to read the next book. 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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AnneCecilie Nothing much. But it did show how hard it can be to be police in small places when an acquaintance is suspect of a crime. And how it‘s hard to believe the worst in people you know. It also gave us a valid reason for disliking Kaj besides the neighbor quarrel 4y
Butterfinger Why do these books have side plots? I suppose it is to make it realistic. Sebastian didn't have a reason to be in the story except to add to the pedophilia line. Losing her son and knowing her husband's truth on the same day is awful. 4y
EadieB I think Kaj was added in the story as a pedophile in order to give us a red herring suspect for a child's murder. 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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AnneCecilie Ernst was unprofessional in this situation. Hen never should have left the suspect in the interrogation room with an open window and I think an unlocked door. Who wouldn‘t try to escape when given the chance. Of all the stupid things Ernst has done up til now in the books, this was in a league of its own. 4y
Butterfinger Ernst is not a capable detective at all. He only cared about his image and how he would appear as better than Patric. I'm revolted. 4y
EadieB It's about time that they got rid of Ernst. He didn't seem too bright to me. It will be interesting to how they treat the new female policewoman. 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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Butterfinger Charlotte had to deal with a lot. She had already been through so much. I think Lachberg only introduced her as Erica's friend in order for Erica to have a reason to be part of the story. 4y
EadieB I think Charlotte will be referenced as Erica's friend who lost her child but I don' think she will be a lasting character in the books. 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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A young girl is found dead in the sea by a fisherman. Hedström is put one case and together with his colleagues, they need to find out who did. Is it anyone in the family? What about the neighbors, and espresso their son? Is it a complete stranger. The action is on from the in this third book isn‘t in Fjällbacka.

There should be a law against ending a book on a cliffhanger like this. I‘m glad I‘ll be reading the next book next month.

AnneCecilie I must also say that it‘s been a long time since I read about so many unlikable characters, they‘re egocentric and in my opinion a little crazy. I also missed the Erica we meet in the first book. #NordicNoir 4y
Buechersuechtling Oh, I am absolutely with you when it comes to cliffhangers of whatever kind. 🙂 4y
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Butterfinger I think many of Lachberg's characters are narcissistic or think more of their reputation more than their families. 4y
Andrew65 @AnneCecilie That was the character I enjoyed most too. 4y
AnneCecilie @Butterfinger Yes, but I still think that several characters in this book was more extreme than in the previous ones. 4y
AnneCecilie @Andrew65 I hope Erica from the 1st book, will be back in the next book 4y
Andrew65 @AnneCecilie 🤞🤞🤞 4y
Tove_Reads Yeah, the mothering thing was fine in one book, but gets old quickly. For the sake of the story they need to get a nanny or something. 4y
Tove_Reads I also hope the next book won‘t be a year later or something like that. She tends to do that. It would be the worst thing after this ending. 4y
AnneCecilie @Tove_Reads In one way I can understand why she shows Erica the way she did after the birth. Camilla herself suffered from depressions after giving birth to one of her kids and she probably want to put some focus on it. That everything is not perfect for every new mother. But as a reader, after having Erica moody in book 2 as well, it get to be a little too much. 4y
AnneCecilie @Tove_Reads me too. After the cliffhanger, I want the fourth book to start right where she ended this one. 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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📚 Read The Stonecutter for #NordicNoir. Discussion on the 8th
📚 Read Purge by Oksanen. I‘m going to a talk with Oksanen later in the month and I haven‘t read anything by her before

🎧 Finish the third Department Q book
🎧 Start the fourth Department Q book

Tove_Reads Did you like them? I don‘t like Oksanen‘s books at all. Of course she‘s massively popular here. 4y
Cinfhen Lots of #NordicNoir 4y
AnneCecilie @Tove_Reads I haven‘t read anything before so Purge will be my first on. I think she‘s popular in Norway too. 4y
Tove_Reads Hah, just now I realized it was the weekly forecast 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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📚 Finished The Secret of Chimneys
📚 Read Sweet Sorrow
📚 Might start The Stonecutter later today

🎧 Still listening to the third book in the Department Q series, but I have less than 4 hrs left

Cinfhen 💕🙌🻠4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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Now we‘re talking! Action all the way, no slow parts. Great story, lots going on. I figured out who did it and there were a couple of side plots that didn‘t add anything to the story, unless it‘ll be used in later books. I‘m really enjoying getting to know the people in Fjällbacka! After the intriguing ending I immediately want to continue with the next book in the series! 4,5 stars #NordicNoir

EadieB @Tove_Reads Still finishing up February books. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Me too, way behind! 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Can't do March in February or tomorrow, today! @Tove_Reads 4y
AnneCecilie I‘ll start this later today or tomorrow. So glad to see you liked it. 4y
Crazeedi @Tove_Reads @EadieB @Andrew65 @AnneCecilie I'm way behind too. Going to do my best to catch up 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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About 100 pages in and enjoying it so far! Läckberg never lets the reader off easy. There‘s always something that has radically moved forward since the last book and things that have happened and you as a reader just have to deal with these things. I find this to be quite rare. #NordicNoir

Nute I wonder if I would be challenged by that approach. So often as a reader we want specific solutions and particular endings. You have me intrigued with your comment. Stacking! 4y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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Tonight was the long-awaited first meeting of the library's #mysterybookclub after the summer hiatus. We discussed the tagged book, and the general consensus was that the core mystery part was good but there was entirely too much happening on the periphery for no good reason. While at the library, I checked out something for #litsyatoz in addition to the #bookclub selection for October.

The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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Powering through a new mystery series is so easy when you live within walking distance of the library! #weekendreading

The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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I liked this book but didn't love it (lukewarm pick). The mystery is compelling, but many of the characters are OTT mean and nasty. There's also the dreaded "she heard screaming--it was her own" trope. Timeline jumps added to the story, but some of the subplot threads seemed to be there just so they could be picked up later in the series. While I did like the main characters, I'm content to leave the rest unread. #mysterybookclub #litsyatoz (L)

The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg

I really did like this book, but there were several things that annoyed me. Like, it's apparently normal in Sweden to leave an infant outside by itself in a stroller in cold and rainy weather. The two main characters in the series are great, so I'll probably read #4.

RachaelViolet I just finished it & seriously wondered why on earth they left them out in the strollers, I thought that must have been an error in translation...so strange 7y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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I don't want this extended #biblioweekend to be over!

GlitteryOtters Me either! *keeps reading even though it is 1 AM on Tuesday* 8y
krismlars I was able to put my book down early last night, but only because I was getting up early for a workout. 8y
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The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg

I don't want this extended #biblioweekend to be over!

The Stonecutter: A Novel | Camilla Läckberg
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It's been a while since I've read a good mystery. I ran a 7K here in Denver this morning, and my plan for the rest of the day is to nap and read. #biblioweekend