Struggling to get into this one and I'm at the halfway point...
Struggling to get into this one and I'm at the halfway point...
An Amazon Charts bestseller.
An unlikely pair teams up to investigate a brutal murder in a haunting thriller that walks the line between reality and impossibility...
Despite excellent spelling I couldn't get into this one past the rambly narration and wooden dialog. Other reviews are generally positive, so I'll limit my complaints and assume that its charms, whatever they are, are somehow lost on me.
I'm not really enjoying this book, but suddenly find myself giving the author credit for spelling. I may have a problem.
Can't remember the last time I saw this in a publication where it wasn't misspelled "per say." (Or *shudder* "percy")
This book has a slow start and was confusing at first but it really picked up towards the end and I liked it better than I thought I would. It‘s worth the read
This is the first in a new series on Kindle Unlimited. It is a murder mystery with a supernatural twist. Eric is newly divorced and moved to a new home and a new job. He purchases an old steamer trunk that reeks and wouldn‘t you know it he soon starts seeing things. The problem is Eric has schizophrenia and can‘t trust himself or the things he is seeing. I thought this was well written and entertaining. I will surely be reading the next one.
Forgotten Bones has a great story. The characters are well written, as if I know them. The protagonist are very likable.
For me the mystery was easily solved however a nice little twist was added at the end making me less bothered by the evident outcome of the case.
I praise this book for starring a character with mental illness. I really enjoyed the intensity of the "hallucinations".
#bookreview #4star #lallahbookreview
I wanted to like this book as I found the premise really cool. However, I felt there was too much backstory for Eric and that it impeded the overall narrative. There is also a lot of cursing which often feels forced and jolted me out of the narrative. I did like that this novel had some twists that I didn't see coming and I wasn't able to fully predict the ending. #kindle #primereading #primefirstbooks #forgottenbones
Finally decided on my Amazon First Reads picks for July.
The mystery in this book kept me turning the pages. Like @cjbooklover , I think the author did a good job of handling a MC with schizophrenia. There were definitely some twists at the end. It can be read as a standalone. Don‘t let the first six pages throw you off, they‘re not representative of the book as a whole. (Note: Some of the “visions” are disturbing, and parts of the book contain sexual content and profanity.)
A good book, but unfortunately the sex and language kept me from rating it 4⭐️. The mystery throughout the book was really interesting, but honestly they focused a lot on character development of Eric. I think the way the book handled his schizophrenia was good. Some of his visions are very disturbing. The hundredish pages were nerve wracking. Overall, a good read, but I definitely am not going to be seeking out the second book.
@cjbooklover and I picked this for one of our Amazon First Reads choices for July. We‘ll see how it goes!