100 tips to live in the present, love your life and enjoy
100 tips to live in the present, love your life and enjoy
This was a challenging week for me. Fitness Tracker bonked out so I just walked daily, read daily... and figuratively took “the next right step” without having the supporting data. C‘est la vie! No goal changes this next week. I‘m excited to see how hiking in the mountains influences my #BFC #BFCr2 ! #week3
Excellent short book with simple lessons about how to live a happier, kinder, simpler life with less stress. It presents straightforward tips and advice on how to approach stressful situations, disapproving comments, rejection, road rage, and the many annoyances and frustrations that arise at home and at work.
I‘m helping create a library for a recovery organization in my town, and I get first dibs on some of the books. 😂😁
So good. I will reread this book a lot.
Submitted my master‘s paper proposal on Sunday! Taking a break from it this week before diving back into the lit review.
1) Yes!
2) Yes! I‘m a librarian so I visit all the time 🙂.
3) 95% of time 🙂
4) No way!
5) Sometimes.
I really didn't care for this one. I found it extremely repetitive, boring and not tangible. I feel like the author was unrealistic in what he expects of readers and I didn't care for the way it was written. There wasn't much about this book that I liked. I would have liked it better if the examples were more tangible and entertaining.