Finally reading this book after I‘ve let it “mature” on my bookshelf. Fingers crossed it reads like a fine wine!
Finally reading this book after I‘ve let it “mature” on my bookshelf. Fingers crossed it reads like a fine wine!
Oops. Put it in the trunk with an open water bottle. After this I‘m going to prop it up in front of a fan. Any other tips for water damaged books? 💧 📖 😬
Wow. 😍 This collection of short stories took me on the most amazing adventures, in a weird kind of way. I love Amelia Gray‘s writing. If you‘re into dark humor, horror/gore, I would recommend this in a heart beat!!
The sun beats the shit out of a dirty road called Raton Pass where the closest thing to a pair of matching earrings is a guy named Carl who punches you in the head with his fist.
#Garish theme for #October: Gutshot. I found this book really awful and unsettling, but couldn't put it down. One of the darkest things I've ever read. #uncannyoctober #litsyreads @RealLifeReading
#pagehabit #horror box. Honestly I'm pretty irritated they duplicated a book from the Nocturnal Reader Box -- surely the author knew? Or they could have communicated with the one other horror book subscription to avoid this. So now I have a 2nd copy of Grip of It which I read already 😏. Luckily I signed up with a promo and at least got a 2nd book that's been on my #tbr. I cancelled though, I don't want to risk doubles & I like Nocturnal more.
A fascination collection of stories, Gutshot unfortunately grows tiresome by the end. The stories ate short, disturbing, glimpses into lives we don't see but maybe have nightmares about. Some make you gasp, but by the end, you're waiting to read the last few sentences of each to find out what the shock is.
"Attention is the most worthless currency on the planet," I said. "When you treat it like it's precious, you're blinding yourself to the possibility that you might find it elsewhere. And it's everywhere, attention is."
Gorgeous cover. Loved a handful of the stories, but wasn't in love with most of them.
Day 2 of #riotgrams - #whereiread. I have an hour long commute to work via subway, but it gives me plenty of time to read!
So here's what I read in November...I definitely fell prey to the post-election reading slump and read a lot fewer physical books than usual. I read 4 physical books and 3 audio for a total of 7 📚 My favorite this month was Amelia Gray's Gutshot.
About halfway done with this short story collection and really loving the dark weirdness so far
About halfway done and I just realized it isn't titled "Gunshot!"
PS It's really good.
“Here‘s the thing,” he said. “Your mama‘s dead. And you‘re forty years old. And I have a warrant out for my arrest. And I am addicted to getting tattoos. And our air conditioner‘s broke. And you are drunk every day. And all I ever want to do is fight and go swimming. [...] And honest to God, you got big tits but you make a real shitty muse. And we are in Beaumont, Texas.”
I said, These are minor setbacks on the road to glory.
(I ❤️ Amelia Gray)
This was far out of my normal realm so I appreciate it for that, but I'm not certain I liked the stories on a personal level. I was often left feeling as though I was reaching for more. Most of these stories left me feeling like I myself had been shot in the gut. Respectable but unlikeable
"I forgot if he was lost or if we both were or if it was only me." Sums up things quite nicely doesn't it.
I've been waiting to get my hands on this since its real ease last year-but it was off beat and couldn't find it any where until #thelibrary got it in! Blessings to the first person to collect knowledge and share for free! #stillcryingaboutthelibraryofalexandria