When insomnia strikes, crack open a book!
When insomnia strikes, crack open a book!
Finally getting around to reading this book, I am so excited!!
I am all about smut, but I didn‘t expect this to be all sex, all time.
I believe this is my first James Michener novel, so let‘s see what all the hub-bub is about!
Delighted to start a new read. Also reminding myself that this will be nothing like “Only Murders in the Building” so that I get Martin Short and his dips out of my brain 😆😂
After five days of no sunshine, a book about a serial killer sounds perfect. 🙃
I really enjoy Jacqueline‘s writing style and cannot wait to dive into this story!
I started and finished this book in one day—I couldn‘t put it down!
This was a super fun read. It was so interesting to read about women in the workplace during the1 940s-1960s. The glass ceiling was a lot lower then!
I found this on one of my shelves in my home library and have no recollection of how I acquired it 😂🤣 I need a non-fiction read, so let‘s go!
My pups are just as excited as me to start a new book! 😂🤣🐶
Absolutely loved this book. Kept waiting for the plot twists and they were great.
Making a dent in my TBR pile and look what I found…super excited to start this book!
My new favorite Jack Kerouac book. As you follow the story of Ray and his friends you feel like you are right there experiencing everything too.
Looking foward to this read!
I don‘t enjoy business books too often (I tend to find them dry and boring), but I am looking forward to this book being better than most!
I really enjoyed Sister Holiday‘s story. I was a little foggy on how Sister Augustine was “sticking it to the man” beyond just destruction, but that made for a fun twist.
I am super excited to read this book! I‘ve known Margot for years and am so proud that her book has been published.
I enjoyed the twist at the end, but not the redundant storytelling to get there.
I love a book that feels relatable. The friendship between Sam and Sadie reminded me of one of my oldest friendships that also had ups and downs.
I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. It got into the weeds a but about DNA, but the story and characters were great.
Finally ready to dive into this one. Tried to minimize my TBR piles 😂🤣📖🪱
Seems like a good way to start a Saturday 📖🪱
First time reading this author. I suppose if I enjoy the story, I‘ll go back and will read the first 10 novels. 🤓
Sounds like an exciting read!
Will I start this book and finish it before I get to Salt Lake City? Tune in next week, same time, same station, to find out! 😂
First time reading a John Sanford book. Looking forward to a glimpse in the mind of a new writer (to me).
As I bit into my toast this morning I realized I needed something to read. The upside to multiple TBR piles is that I can quickly get a book in front of my eyes…even one that is the 29th of a series. 🤷🏼♀️
So stoked to finally have this in my hands! I‘ve already pre-ordered the next book so when that one finally makes it to the States I‘ll know!
Enjoying the Spring weather. Looking forward to meeting southern vamps.
When the only appealing BOTM is thriller/mystery/suspense, you go with it!